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Inside a Female-Led Marriage: She Turned Hubby Into Her Pussy Slave-And He Loves It!

Inside a Female-Led Marriage: She Turned Hubby Into Her Pussy Slave-And He Loves It!

Behind the doors of their family home in Canada, CM and PS lead a life that, to outsiders, might seem typical. They have regular jobs, share a home, raise a family, and handle the everyday demands like any other couple. However, the key difference in their relationship is that CM is in control of many aspects of their lives. While they are equal partners in some ways, their dynamic shifts into something more unique behind closed doors—they practice a Female-Led Relationship (FLR), where CM holds most of the power.

For CM, this control isn’t about harshness or mistreating PS. It’s about him submitting, obeying, and serving her in a way that strengthens their bond. She makes decisions, but she’s thoughtful in her approach, never forcing PS into anything he doesn’t want to do. Whether managing finances or ordering meals, CM ensures PS feels respected and happy, even while she holds the reins. Their FLR is rooted in balance, with CM’s authority expressed in a caring, thoughtful manner—without cruelty or the need for excessive displays of dominance.

What makes their relationship even more intriguing is that it didn’t start this way. Their FLR evolved gradually, shaped by time and experience. A pivotal moment early on—a high-stakes competition—cemented CM’s role as the dominant partner, creating the foundation for the power exchange that has since become a fulfilling part of their lives.

In separate interviews, CM and PS shared candid insights about the evolution of their relationship, how it operates now, and where they see it going. Interestingly, while they share the same dynamic, their perspectives reveal some surprising differences in how they each experience their FLR.

A Gradual Evolution of Power

The FLR between CM and PS didn’t happen overnight; it evolved gradually. As CM explains, “Our FLR started very slowly and gradually, and it still evolves to this day.” In the beginning, their relationship resembled a more traditional dynamic, with PS taking the lead. However, as time went on, CM began asserting more control, and the relationship shifted.

At first, CM’s control was limited to the bedroom, with light bondage and teasing. But things started to change when she took control of PS in a more permanent way during one of their early encounters. “One of the most powerful moments came when I grabbed his balls and told him that they now belonged to me. And I didn’t mean for a little while—I meant forever,” CM recalls. This marked the beginning of a deeper power exchange, where CM assumed control over their relationship, both in and out of the bedroom.

PS, for his part, was excited by this shift. He admits that while it took him by surprise, it felt right. “It definitely caught me by surprise, though in hindsight, I think it was something I wanted but never really understood,” PS says.

A Competition to Determine Dominance

Before CM and PS formalized their FLR, the couple engaged in a friendly competition to determine who would take the dominant role in their relationship. According to PS, the contest was a pivotal moment. “We had a contest to see who was better at their job—her at her company, or me with my business,” he recalls. Over time, however, the rules began to shift in CM’s favor. “The rules kept changing to favor her, and she won by a landslide.”

This contest wasn’t just for fun—it set the stage for the power dynamic they would follow going forward. After her win, CM declared herself the superior one in the relationship, solidifying her dominant role. “I drew up our FLR contract after that, giving her control over my orgasms, finances, and more,” PS admits.

This shift marked a turning point, especially in their intimate life. PS reflects on how he used to be selfish in the bedroom, taking more than he gave. “I used to be greedy in bed—I loved getting oral sex but almost never gave it,” he confesses. But the tables have turned dramatically since then. “Now, he eats pussy on demand,” CM explains, highlighting how PS’s role has transformed into one of constant service. “He’s expected to ask me every night if I would like my pussy serviced.”

For PS, this change wasn’t just a challenge—it was exactly what he wanted. “I loved it—each piece of control I lost felt right,” he says.

Financial Control and the Power Exchange

As their FLR evolved, CM took on more control of their financial situation, which became one of the key elements of their power exchange. CM controls all the finances, including PS’s paychecks. “I confiscate his paychecks every week, and I love that!” CM says. PS doesn’t have an allowance or his own spending money. If he wants something, he has to ask CM, and she decides if he gets it.

For PS, the surrender of financial control was a significant moment that deepened his submission. “When CM started taking my paychecks, it was a real turning point. She doesn’t just control the money—she controls me,” PS explains. He reflects on how kneeling while fully nude and handing over his paycheck reinforces his position in the relationship. “There’s something incredibly sexy about handing over a paycheck and kneeling in front of her, knowing that I have no say in where that money goes.”

This financial control is part of a broader shift in their power dynamic, where CM exerts dominance over all aspects of their lives. PS is expected to ask permission for nearly everything, and CM enjoys the level of control this gives her. “Recently, while I was away, PS had friends visiting, and one of them wanted to go to an event at a nearby speedway,” CM recounts. “… since I control the finances and he didn’t have enough, he had to ask for permission.”

“Pussy Slave” and Sexual Submission

One of the most unique aspects of CM and PS’s FLR is the role PS plays as her “Pussy Slave,” a title that PS wears with pride. In fact, we’re calling him PS during the interview, a term described by his wife: “It stands for ‘Pussy Slave.’ To clarify, I don’t own him. My pussy owns him. It’s his job to obey my pussy,” CM explains. This title reflects the sexual dynamic in their relationship, where PS’s primary role is to serve CM’s sexual needs.

PS is expected to ask every morning and night if CM would like her pussy serviced. CM doesn’t hesitate to enforce this rule. “He eats pussy on demand, which is pretty much every morning, and is expected to ask me every night… if I would like my pussy serviced then as well,” CM explains. She even has specific days throughout the year where PS is obligated to perform oral sex. “There are 177 specific days each year when I’m obligated to perform oral sex in the morning, and I have these days memorized,” PS shares.

For PS, this level of control over his sexuality is a key part of his submission. “I love being her Pussy Slave. It makes me feel completely owned, especially since she limits my orgasms,” PS says. His submission is further reinforced by CM’s control over his orgasms, which she uses to maintain focus on her pleasure.

CM has structured their sexual dynamic to ensure that PS’s primary goal is to please her. She limits his orgasms and uses denial to keep him attentive and eager to serve. “The less pleasure I get, the more pleasure I want to give her,” PS says, explaining how orgasm control has deepened his submission and focus on CM’s needs.

Discipline and Spanking: A Balance of Control and Punishment

Discipline is a significant part of CM and PS’s FLR, with spanking being a central element of how CM asserts her control. CM doesn’t shy away from using punishment to correct PS’s behavior or remind him of his place. “Spanking is kind of the new thing. The idea that his wife has the power to discipline him, that I’m completely in charge of the rules,” CM says. She enjoys the power that comes with putting PS over her knee and spanking him when she sees fit.

For PS, spanking is a reminder of CM’s dominance, and he finds the combination of pain and humiliation deeply fulfilling. “I love it. The combination of humiliation and spanking reminds me of my place beneath her. I’m her Pussy Slave, meant to serve her on demand,” PS says.

Recently, CM and PS discussed the possibility of eliminating PS’s ability to ask for mercy during punishments. “He did suggest something to me recently—I’m not sure if I’ll do it. He mentioned that I shouldn’t allow him to ask for mercy and take his punishment until it’s complete,” CM explains. For PS, giving up the right to ask for mercy would be another way to deepen his submission and reinforce CM’s total control.

The Premature Ejaculation Incident: A Lesson in Orgasm Control

Orgasm control is a fundamental part of CM and PS’s FLR, and CM takes great care in managing PS’s ability to climax. However, there was one memorable incident where things didn’t go as planned. CM shared the story of how PS climaxed unexpectedly after months of denial. “The longest he went was six and a half months, but there was a consequence to it. I had him between my legs getting me off, and he was very turned on as usual when suddenly he jumped up, realizing that the little bit of thrusting he was doing on the bed brought him to climax,” CM recalls.

PS admits that the incident was both embarrassing and disappointing. “I jumped up to try and stop it, but I was too far gone. It wasn’t even a particularly good orgasm, just a panic-driven one, and I felt like I’d let CM down,” PS says. Despite the mishap, CM forgave him, though the event highlighted the importance of maintaining control over his sexual release.

Chastity: An Ongoing Exploration

Chastity has been a topic of interest for both CM and PS, though it’s an area they are still exploring fully. PS is particularly excited by the idea of CM taking even more control over his sexual pleasure by incorporating a chastity device into their dynamic. “The idea of chastity has always been mine,” PS admits. “Something about handing over that level of control is thrilling.” However, their attempts to integrate chastity devices have been met with some technical difficulties. “We’ve tried a couple of devices in the past, but they didn’t work out—one slipped off, and the other was uncomfortable.”

Despite these setbacks, PS remains eager to try again. “I’ve found another one I’d like to try, but CM hasn’t decided on it yet,” he says. Even without a permanent device, PS regularly wears a ball stretcher as a reminder of who owns him. “I currently wear a ball stretcher as a reminder of who owns my balls, but I think the chastity device would take things to the next level,” he says. For PS, the idea of being locked up and denied an erection while being teased by CM is deeply arousing. “It’s frustrating for sure, but the thought of being teased and edged while locked up is exciting.”

CM also sees the potential for chastity in their FLR and has plans to incorporate it in the future. She’s particularly interested in the control it offers and the ways it could be used to further frustrate PS while heightening his submission. “I want to have him bound and helpless with that on, take the vibrator to my balls, and watch him squirm in frustration until he ejaculates in the device without having any erection,” CM explains. The concept of edging PS until he experiences a ruined orgasm is especially appealing to her. “It would be even more exciting if I can time it right for him to have a ruined orgasm as well.”

Though they haven’t yet fully integrated chastity into their dynamic, both CM and PS are clearly excited by the possibilities it offers. For them, it represents another layer of control, deepening their power exchange and pushing the boundaries of their FLR.

Pegging: The Next Step in Their FLR

While CM and PS have explored many aspects of their FLR, one area they have yet to fully dive into is pegging. However, it’s something that CM has been considering more seriously as their relationship progresses. “I’m working up to pegging him with a strap-on at some point,” CM says. “If I decide to do it, he will have no say in the matter.”

PS is open to the idea and has even suggested that CM incorporate it into their dynamic in a way that further deepens his submission. “I’ve even suggested that she keep me denied for a while before pegging me, then use pegging to make me cum,” PS shares. For him, the idea of being pegged by CM, especially without having any control over the situation, is thrilling.

Privacy and Public Displays of Dominance

While CM and PS keep their FLR private for the most part, there are moments when CM asserts her dominance in public, albeit discreetly. One of the ways she does this is by ordering for PS when they go out to eat. “When we dine out, he sits quietly as I order his meal,” CM says.

For PS, these small public displays of dominance are exciting, as they reinforce the power dynamic even when others are unaware of what’s really going on. “I love it. The idea of her ordering for me or taking control in front of others is thrilling,” PS explains. However, CM is careful about how much of their FLR she shares with others, preferring to keep it within the privacy of their relationship.

Looking Toward the Future

As CM and PS continue to explore the depths of their FLR, both are excited about what the future holds. Whether it’s experimenting with pegging, deepening their use of humiliation, or introducing new rules around punishment, they are committed to pushing the boundaries of their dynamic.

“I’m open to whatever CM wants to try,” PS says. For CM, the future of their FLR is about maintaining control and continuing to shape PS into the submissive husband she desires. “We’ll keep pushing the boundaries, as long as I’m the one making the rules,” CM says confidently.

Their journey into the world of FLR is far from over, and as CM continues to wield her power, PS’s role as her Pussy Slave, submissive husband, and willing partner is surely to deepen

CM and PS

At FemdomU Magazine, we celebrate those who embrace their unique dynamics, and we’re especially grateful to CM and PS for bravely sharing their story with us. Though CM had some concerns that their Female-Led Relationship (FLR) might not seem exciting enough, after spending time talking to them both, I can confidently say that not only is their FLR intriguing, but it’s also incredibly hot to hear about. Their bond, the power exchange, and the way they navigate their dynamic is something I hope to continue exploring and learning more about in the future!

If you want to know more, you can check out the full transcripts of the interviews. CM’s interview can be found here, and PS’s interview can be found here.

Divine Bitches on

About The Author


As the Website Manager and Advertiser Relations Manager for FemdomU Magazine, Zeek is at the forefront of the online presence of one of the leading publications in the Femdom community. His expertise in website design and management, honed through his ownership of RareMoon, has positioned him as a trusted steward of the magazine’s digital realm. Additionally, Zeek’s role as the lead website designer for FemdomU Magazine ensures that every digital interaction reflects the essence of the publication’s ethos. View Full Profile


  1. Madam Nora

    A very interesting story, thank you CM for sharing, and allowing us to speak with PS as well! He sounds like a well-trained, well behaved sub, for the most part.

  2. Avatar

    nice – i wish i was allowed to be a pussy slave too he’s a lucky a lucky man. can someone please give me this willing to do this for you and more.

  3. Mizz Geena

    I love this so much! Your relationship is an inspiration, and I wholeheartedly believe that every woman should be entitled to having a Pussy Slave!

    CM, I’ve enjoyed getting to know you a bit more in our email conversations and I look forward to conspiring with you further.

    and sweet, sweet PS – you sound like a good boy. I have a personal challenge for you – I’ll send through email channels.

  4. Heather

    Thank you guys for sharing your story. I’m always pleased to hear about other couples making their FLR work while juggling real life and family. Cody and I have been in a similar boat for a long time, and very aware of the constraints such a lifestyle has. You’re to be commended for juggling it all! I also will be giving Cody a calendar for Christmas with some special dates marked. Thank you for the idea!

    • Zeek

      I gotta thank you guys for this idea too. When I told my wife, Annie, about the whole “pussy slave” concept that came up during the interview, she was really intrigued. So intrigued, in fact, that she ended up modeling one of my “While The Mistress Was Away” challenges around it—yep, you guessed it—pussy service! And let me tell you, it was a hell of a ride.

      First, it was humiliating as hell, no surprise there. But when she came home, everything flipped. My reward? An extended weekend off work, fully devoted to going down on her wherever, whenever she wanted. We’re talking the restaurant, bookstore, hardware store, even the park.

      Right now, I’m only up to Adventure 5, and this one just happened. It’ll probably take five or six more posts to get there, but I’ll be sure to update with a link when it’s posted.


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