After posting today the narrative of the beginnings of that morning, it struck me that I should have also post-scripted this:
In years since that morning, I’ve been approached numbers of times by girls claiming to have been in that audience. They knew my name. Most often they asked about “that guy;” asking what happened to him. Surprise and excited doesn’t adequately describe their reactions to my reply: “he’s my husband …”
A few years ago, on the beach at Waikiki: “Meghan? … Hi, I’m _____. You may not remember me but I went to ___. We both lived in ____ Hall. I was in your apartment the morning your boyfriend was naked.” etc., etc.
“Hi, I’m sorry; that morning has become a blur.”
“Whatever became of him?”
“He’s my husband.”
“Yes; he’s run for some drinks. Wait a few and he’ll be back.”
… turns out she was accompanied by her husband …
“Krissi, this is _____. She was in the apartment that morning when Karen waxed your cock.”
“Hi, ____”
“Hi, Krissi.” She blushed; then, turning to me: ” I remember him without the swimsuit.”
… perfect opportunity: “would you like to see him without it?”
“Well, I’m with my husband.”
We agreed to meet for drinks at the hotel bar and later had a great conversation.
These kinds of things have happened repeatedly.
It is amazing how well the girls of that apartment house have traveled.
Wonderful. Our men should be nmaked, always.
Awesome! I wish I had those types of experiences when I was young!