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CFNM Weekend – Morning – Errata

by | Feb 26, 2025 | 2 comments

After posting today the narrative of the beginnings of that morning, it struck me that I should have also post-scripted this:

In years since that morning, I’ve been approached numbers of times by girls claiming to have been in that audience.  They knew my name.  Most often they asked about “that guy;” asking what happened to him.  Surprise and excited doesn’t adequately describe their reactions to my reply: “he’s my husband …”

A few years ago, on the beach at Waikiki:  “Meghan?  … Hi, I’m _____.  You may not remember me but I went to ___.  We both lived in ____ Hall.  I was in your apartment the morning your boyfriend was naked.”  etc., etc.

“Hi, I’m sorry; that morning has become a blur.”

“Whatever became of him?”

“He’s my husband.”


“Yes; he’s run for some drinks.  Wait a few and he’ll be back.”

… turns out she was accompanied by her husband …

“Krissi, this is _____.  She was in the apartment that morning when Karen waxed your cock.”

“Hi, ____”

“Hi, Krissi.”  She blushed; then, turning to me: ” I remember him without the swimsuit.”

… perfect opportunity: “would you like to see him without it?”

“Well, I’m with my husband.”

We agreed to meet for drinks at the hotel bar and later had a great conversation.

These kinds of things have happened repeatedly.

It is amazing how well the girls of that apartment house have traveled.

Mistress Meghan
Mistress Meghan joins FemdomU Magazine as one of our Guest Dommes, sharing her experiences and insights! She is a business professional long married to her submissive, Krissi, a professional engineer. They have lived in many places across the country, where they raised their family, and today reside in a small town, pleasantly populated with numbers of female-led relationships. Mistress Meghan was raised to be all the woman she could be, including sexually, and Krissi was raised that it’s the duty of a real man to always please women. Their’s has been a match truly made in heaven. View Full Profile


  1. Avatar

    Wonderful. Our men should be nmaked, always.

  2. shawn

    Awesome! I wish I had those types of experiences when I was young!


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