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Pussy Familiarity

by | Mar 5, 2025 | 2 comments

The boys’ poor performances in the pussy tasting contest Super Bowl Sunday made my Ladies admit that it was our fault: that we hadn’t been insisting on regular service by them all.

Coordinating 8 girls – 2 with teenagers in the house – and 6 subs for an hour or more’s service isn’t a fly-by-night matter.  So structure was put in place – a schedule – and formal commitment insisted upon.

The rotation is 5 weeks.  Every slave services every one of the 7 Ladies in the rotation in those 5 weeks: 3 weeks of one Domme / wk and 2 wks of 2.  Obviously, a sub’s wife is serviced outside the schedule, whenever she chooses.  Timing revolves around when it works best for the two couples with children still in the house.  Service must be done when it doesn’t take Daddy out of the house when kids would expect him home.  Etc., etc.  Everyone else adjusts.  Exceptions are when business, travel schedules, etc., intervene.  We then do “make-up” lickings.

The “official” schedule is kept by Mollie.  It guarantees that all “pairings” are accomplished and makes sure feedback to each Domme about Her sub’s performance is regular, which serves steady improvement.

Each Domme reports when she completes her scheduled boy and how he did – a subjective assessment (A+ (very rare) – assigned a 95 grade – through F – assigned 50).  This is all very new – we’re only in the 3rd week; so we haven’t decided yet when to issue “report cards” and what they will mean for the boys.  I suggested we go 15 weeks (close to a college semester) so each boy has 3 cycles with each Domme.  We’ll see.

Now, as I repeatedly say, it’s a small town. So, we work things so that goings and comings don’t become suspicious to neighbors; an aspect of which is that service is not always at the home of one or the other.

Today, Jeff worshipped me, at Rita’s, right after work.  Rita lives in a thickly wooded area which eases some concerns about observation.  Jeff was about 15 minutes late (he’ll get 15 lashes for it later).  I demand not just pussy but full body worship – feet, boobs, pussy, and ass.  So, we were running behind; and when Katie came with Patrick at 7:30, also at Rita’s, Jeff still had his face in my butt.

My report is for Jeff is C+.  He was fine with my feet and pussy, poor with the nipples and struggles to penetrate my ass.  Transitions were unremarkable.  I had 3 orgasms – pretty good.  He maintained a rock hard erection for the duration and didn’t flinch when I hit it, staying focused on me.  He maintained good concentration while I was on his face giving a handjob or the couple times I took him in my mouth.  So, Terri’s not doing a bad job with his tongue and mental control.

Mollie is compiling report cards.  I’ll give a verbal report to Terri tomorrow by phone.  My first 2 reports very frank and graphic, which is what we all said we wanted.  So far, its going well.  krissi’s first 2 reports were strong.  I don’t know where he “stands” among the 6.

I said in my interview with Mizz Geena that uncertainty is avoided and suspicions quenched by never having one-on-one sex behind closed doors. This evening’s arrangement, which often – for scheduling reasons – gets more than one pairing together at the same place, sometimes back-to-back, like mine and Katie’s should have been tonight.  And in this case, Rita was also there. This maintains the faith.  She was worshipped by Tony earlier in the week.

Now, I’m sure she’ll take a little of Josh after Katie’s done; or perhaps join her for a “double ender” before the evening’s done.  She’d not pass up an opportunity for Josh’s large dick unless Clarise has other plans for him.

Anyway, so far, so good.  I’d guess we’ll have a pussy tasting “re-exam” at some point, maybe when report cards are issued, to see if the boys have been paying attention.


P. S. Right after I got home, Gwinneth called – the woman krissi and I met on the hiking trail a couple weeks ago. We’re to go again this Saturday morning.  She wanted to know how many of her daughter’s friends would be too many.  I told her the more the merrier but, should things go beyond simply looking, should she or the others want to “play,” it might become awkward.

She hadn’t anticipated that I might offer to let her put her hands on him.  I’d told her when we met for lunch that krissi and I are part of a small group of couples practicing FLRs but I guess she let her mind wander to what this might mean.

She was headed to the airport and had to run but said she wants to chat again tomorrow.

Mistress Meghan
Mistress Meghan joins FemdomU Magazine as one of our Guest Dommes, sharing her experiences and insights! She is a business professional long married to her submissive, Krissi, a professional engineer. They have lived in many places across the country, where they raised their family, and today reside in a small town, pleasantly populated with numbers of female-led relationships. Mistress Meghan was raised to be all the woman she could be, including sexually, and Krissi was raised that it’s the duty of a real man to always please women. Their’s has been a match truly made in heaven. View Full Profile


  1. Mizz Geena

    Terrific! Do any of the wives take offense if their husband gets a low grade from someone?

    • Mistress Meghan

      I’ve not heard of anyone being offended or upset. So far. For instance, tony’s grade from me fell because he wasn’t eager enough to worship my feet. Seemed his heart wasn’t into it. When I filed the report, I was frank with Mollie.
      So far, none of the boys has been as good on my pussy as krissi. So, familiarity is likely an issue. Each of us Ladies are different.
      Perhaps the boys just need to take the lessons aboard and work on attentiveness, knowing what each of us prefer, from repetition and practice.
      Then, if a weakness persists – which I think we should know after 3 cycles – then I think we have special training, more immersive. What I envision is the Domme and her husband spend several evenings – maybe even for a full week – with the one of us who grades him poorest. She watches him perform and, with her right there, the recipient critiques him directly. Then she gets a sense of what others are feeling and how it differs from her experience.
      With troy I think, honestly, that Mollie is so butt-centric – she’s totally into everything butt – that he spends most of his time between her cheeks. Now, he was fine on my pussy, just not as good as krissi. We’ll see if Mollie commits to improving the other parts of his performance.
      BTW, about Mollie and her clear sexual preference (and I will eventually write the rest of the story), on Super Bowl Sunday, she actually orgasmed with krissi’s tongue in her butt. I’ve never seen this before. Now, I’ve said that he’s got a long, strong, and pointed tongue (he can touch his nose with it) and I love it in my butt too; but She must have a “G spot” in her anus. She sprayed all over him. I’ll tell the fuller story when I write it. If any of the boys prove weak at ass worship, it’s clear that krissi doing Mollie will be the gold standard – the logical choice to demonstrate “how-to.”


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