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Author: Zeek

Inside a Female-Led Marriage: She Turned Hubby Into Her Pussy Slave-And He Loves It!

In a candid interview, CM and PS share the story of their Female-Led Relationship (FLR), where CM holds total control over their finances, intimacy, and daily lives. Over nearly a decade of marriage, their dynamic has evolved into a deeply fulfilling bond of dominance and submission. CM and PS offer insights into how they navigated this power exchange, from financial control to sexual submission, discipline, and future explorations of chastity and pegging. Their journey showcases the complexities, challenges, and pleasures of a long-term FLR.

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Zeek’s Femdom Adventure 1: Panties, Plugs, and Forced Exhibition

In Zeek’s 1st Adventure in a series, he documents what happened when his dominant wife Annie left town for three weeks. He found himself navigating an escalating series of humiliating tasks, from wearing panties at the gym to masturbating in front of her friend. Dive into Zeek’s wild and unforgettable adventures while Mistress was away!

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