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Welcome to the Femdom Poetry section, where words become a symphony of submission and dominance. In this captivating corner of our magazine, we celebrate the art of expression through verse, exploring the depths of femdom dynamics, desire, and power exchange. From sonnets to free verse, each poem offers a unique exploration of the intricate dance between dominant women and submissive men, inviting readers to immerse themselves in the beauty and intensity of femdom relationships. Whether you’re drawn to the sensuality of seduction or the raw emotion of surrender, join us as we journey through the poetic landscape of femdom, where every line is a testament to the intoxicating allure of female dominance.



Some men devote themselves to God,
Others to power, sex and wealth.
The world loves this but thinks men odd
Who give themselves to someone else.

Mistress, your slave thinks just of you,
All thoughts of self left far behind;
And egoless enters into
That space you’ve carved out in his mind

Priest, tyrant, miser, Romeo,
It seems are never satisfied;
Perhaps because they do not know
The peace that serving you provides.

Surrendering to you’s the key
To all your slave wishes to be.

French Maid

French Maid

It’s said that clothing makes the man
But it can unmake too.
Now in a dress as you command
I am unmanned by you.

It seems gender is mutable,
Now I am a French maid.
I’m clothed as you deem suitable,
Short skirt, my legs displayed.

I fear I am enjoying this,
I think as I curtsey.
Mistress, have you made me a miss?
Tell me, are you Circe?

You laugh and say “bend over dear,”
And who we are you soon make clear.

Yes Ma’am

Yes Ma’am

I’m told that I have misbehaved.
I talked back and must be punished.
Since Mistress knows I am not brave,
She is promising me one wish.

So now it seems I get to choose,
Cane, paddle, whip, switch, strap or crop.
I see that Mistress is amused,
All I can think is “thanks a lot.”

So now I’ve welts across my rear,
My back, my thighs even my soles,
It seems my choice has cost me dear,
I’ll never more forget our roles.

I cannot sit so I must stand;
From now on I just say “Yes, Ma’am.”

Happy Camper

Happy Camper

My Mistress loves it when we hike
And camp out in the wild.
It’s just backpacks she does not like,
Finds them a needless trial.

So I must heft a pack for two,
Set up her tent and cook.
Give her massage, the dishes do,
Then repack all we took.

Her girlfriend says she’s jealous
Of all our camping trips
“Next time take me” she tells us,
Mistress says “yes” to this.

I fear my future looks quite grim,
Mistress has sent me to the gym.

Sorceress’s Apprentice

Sorceress’s Apprentice

I write you poems and cannot stop
Because of your admonishment:
“More poems! Each one the last to top;
I wait on their accomplishment.”

I have no more to offer you
Except for my poor poet’s tongue,
And as each poem seems one too few
I find that I am never done.

Apprenticed to you Sorceress
I’m drowning in a sea of words.
This is a task most torturous,
Lest you cry “Halt!” I can’t be cured.

Until at last I hear you say
“Enough” I must write poems all day.

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