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Welcome to the Femdom Poetry section, where words become a symphony of submission and dominance. In this captivating corner of our magazine, we celebrate the art of expression through verse, exploring the depths of femdom dynamics, desire, and power exchange. From sonnets to free verse, each poem offers a unique exploration of the intricate dance between dominant women and submissive men, inviting readers to immerse themselves in the beauty and intensity of femdom relationships. Whether you’re drawn to the sensuality of seduction or the raw emotion of surrender, join us as we journey through the poetic landscape of femdom, where every line is a testament to the intoxicating allure of female dominance.



You ghosted me on Halloween,
And gave me quite a fright.
But if you don’t wish to be seen
Then ghosting me’s you’re right.

Where you’ve been I can’t inquire,
You taught that lesson well.
You do just what you desire,
Tell what you wish to tell’.

Mistress, I wait for your return,
Perhaps today you’ll come.
And while I wait here I have learned
I’ve tasks which must be done.

So while I work I think of you,
And dream what next you’ll have me do

Long Distance Domination

Long Distance Domination

I’ve never seen your photograph
I’ve never felt your hand.
I’ve never heard your voice or laugh
Or tone of your command.

Yet you have bound me to your will
With written words alone,
And I am left to wonder still
What spell snares men full grown?

I’m sure that I could free myself,
If that is what I wished.
Yet now I find there’s nothing else
I want except for this.

Mistress the only thing I crave
Is that you take me as your slave.

The Waiter

The Waiter

Now that my time is not my own
I wait to wait on you.
Until your will to me’s made known
Waiting’s what I must do.

I’ve learned not to initiate.
My role is to obey.
If it’s your will that I should wait
There’s nothing I may say.

It helps now that I realize
Waiting’s your will for me.
To do your bidding satisfies
My need to not be free.

Mistress I will wait patiently
Until you wish for more from me.

Through A Glass Darkly

Through A Glass Darkly

Some may see through a glass darkly,
But Mistress likes hers clear.
So I’m cleaning each pane smartly
Lest she note a smudge here.

I’m praying that it does not rain,
That pollen does not fall.
That errant fingerprints don’t stain
Her window panes at all.

For Mistress likes a tidy home,
And she’s tasked me with this.
I fear no mercy will be shown,
If any speck I miss.

Mistress, I may have found my trade
Now that you’ve made of me a maid.

All Consuming

All Consuming

I never thought someone could make
Me cum at their command.
Or that they then could make me take
And eat it from their hand.

You smile, telling me “good boy,”
Then point down at your shoe.
“There’s more there for you to enjoy,
Now lick until you’re through.”

So now I do as you demand
While kneeling at your feet,
And as I do I understand
That your control’s complete.

Abased, I thank you now Mistress,
For letting me clean up my mess.

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