I explained the holiday challenge I gave to one of the Magazine’s virtual volunteer subs, exibishboy, last month. A quick recap:
My first update outlined the first two challenges completed, earning him 25 points.
My next update outlined the next four completed challenges, earning him another 105 points
My third update outlined 3 more challenges, earning him another 40 points.
My fourth update outlined another 4 challenges, earning him another 90 points.
I fell behind in tracking the reports for exibishboy’s challenges, but the punishment for my houseboy continued unabated. Throughout the duration of exibishboy’s challenge, houseboy remained in chastity, with one exception: every time exibishboy reported an orgasm, houseboy was temporarily freed from chastity to masturbate for the exact duration of exibishboy’s pleasure. However, houseboy was not permitted to reach climax himself. It was a grueling test of endurance, and I can affirm that houseboy was immensely relieved when the challenge finally concluded.
Here are the final 3 challenges exibishboy completed, or attempted to complete:
Challenge 1
In bed, anytime. You must taste your cum and include details on how you taste in your report.
Incomplete, LOST 5 points. Uh -oh, someone’s lack of attention to detail came through here. He mentioned nothing of the taste, and instead reported washing it off his body.
exibishboy’s orgasm report:
12/31/2024 1:30 pm Masturbation 25minutes Intensity: 8 Volume of Ejaculate: 7
Fantasy: Replayed a porn video in my mind.
Details: No comments
Challenge 16
For this challenge, I’ve loaned you out to the Goddess. You’ll list her as your Orgasm owner if you complete her challenge:
From Goddess Barbara: I want you to create an altar to worship your Domme. This should include candles, perhaps print an image of the artwork depicted of her.
Kneel, naked, before the altar and recite:
“I am yours, completely and without hesitation.
My body is yours to command.
My pleasure is yours to grant or deny.
Every thought, every action, every release belongs to you.
I honor your power, your beauty, your control.
May this offering please you and remind me of my place.
You are my Goddess, and I am your devoted servant.”
Masturbate and collect your offering into a cloth, towell, etc. Lay it on the altar and recite the mantra once more.
Complete, earned 20 points. Ha ha – a “sticky dried up mess…”
exibishboy’s orgasm report:
1/2/2025 6:15 am Masturbation 18minutes Intensity: 9 Volume of Ejaculate: 8
Fantasy: Worship Goddess Barbara – Set up an altar to worship Goddess Barbara with me kneeling in front of reciting an oath to her with my cum displayed.
Details: This was sexually arousing for me!
Proof: exibishboy sent two photos:
Challenge 5
Edging – anywhere, anytime, but you have to edge yourself 2x before you can cum. That means bringing yourslef to the edge, and just before you orgasm you STOP. Then wait at least 5 minutes and start masturbating again. Bring yourself to the edge a 2nd time and STOP. Wait 5 minutes, and start again – you get to cum this time.
Complete, earned 15 points. He could only edge himself 2x and found that very difficult. Whereas I find it cute when little boys do the pee-pee dance, trying to pinch off when they need to urinate, I expect a grown sub to be able to control his ejaculations without resorting to such tactics. Well, I know what we’ll be working on in his training.
exibishboy’s orgasm report:
1/1/2025 7:30 pm Masturbation 23minutes Intensity: 10 Volume of Ejaculate: 10
Fantasy: Per Mizz Geena’s instructions I had to edge myself twice before cumming.
Details: This was a very difficult challenge. All I could do to not cum before edging twice. Had to pinch my cock to keep from cumming.
These last 3 challenges added 30 points to his total, bringing him to 290 points. Now, there are some points he missed, so before I announce his rewards, let’s discuss what was left on the table:
- Challenge 12: Marathon Day: Use this coupon four times. You must cum four times in a single day (starts at midnight, ends at 11:59pm) These four orgasms cannot count towards any other challenge. 25 points
- Challenge 13: Speedy: Set a timer once you’re hard. Masturbate fast for 2-minutes. If you don’t cum within that time, you must STOP and wait to try again once you are soft. In your report, include how many attempts it took. Once you begin this challenge, you must complete it before attempting any others. 15 points
Just two challenges were left incomplete, and I was particularly keen on having houseboy participate in the Marathon Day. However, I’m not one to let opportunities slip by — exibishboy will soon find these challenges reappearing as assignments in the coming days, potentially with slightly more demanding conditions. This way, nothing is wasted, and each task serves to further his training.
So, over a period of 16 days, exibish boy masturbated 16 times.
- He masturbated for a total of 322 minutes
- His longest session lasted 32 minutes
- His shortest session lasted only 10 minutes
- On average, it took him 20.1 minutes to orgasm
- He’s a happy sub – he rated all sessions a 10/10 experience, except for 2 he rated as 9/10 and one an 8/10
His Rewards
I told him he could earn 3 rewards, and he’s done so.
- First, he’s earning some good-boy pats on the head – we’ll explain these later, but I’m giving him 16 – one for each challenge.
- Second, he’s getting a private picture. My sub thing2 is working on close-up body part photography. He’ll be taking a special photo of my breast for exibishboy.
- Third, he gets to appear in a story on GeenaLovesMike – complete with a piece of original artwork. This will be shared with the Magazine when published, so stay tuned!
Lessons Learned
This was fun for me as well, and I think I learned a few things about my virtual sub:
- I already knew he was a show-boy, but I don’t think I quite grasped how much he likes to show off
- He’s willing to go above and beyond on his tasks
- He does not enjoy tasting/consuming his cum, making this a potential punishment for him
- I think he’s what I’d consider a pain-slut – we’ll have to explore this a bit more
- He needs to be dominated, and enjoys being shared with my friends!
I’ll be using these lessons as I continue to shape him into the ideal submissive.
Thank you Mizz Geena. I enjoyed this holiday challenge from you. I look forward to my future tasks and challenges coming up.
And thank You for all the rewards you have granted me. I’m particularly excited for the private picture and appearing in one of your stories.
Well done, exibishboy. I had a feeling this was your first experience using an alter, and I’m pleased to hear you found it enjoyable. More importantly, this marks a step toward deepening your devotion, and I expect you to continue dedicating your time to this pursuit. Mizz Geena and I are collaborating on your training in this area, and I will be adding a few new tasks to your list shortly. Stay focused and committed.
Thank You for the compliment Goddess Barbara.