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Face to Face with Clyde

by | Mar 6, 2025 | 1 comment

Annie and I have been together since high school, but back then, we were on again, off again so many times I lost count. And in our younger years, Annie made it clear—she had the freedom to be with whoever she wanted. She rarely shared details, and I didn’t push. It was just how things were.

That all came crashing into reality when I met Clyde this week.

The moment they saw each other, it was like no time had passed. Annie lit up, and Clyde pulled her into a deep, familiar hug, his hands lingering just a little longer than necessary. I stood there, feeling like an outsider in my own life. We all sat down for lunch, and I did my best to keep up, but the conversation quickly turned to old memories—memories I wasn’t a part of.

Then Annie, with that wicked grin of hers, casually dropped the bomb.

“Oh, by the way, I still have your cock.”

Clyde blinked, confused for half a second, before she clarified. “The Clone-a-Willy.”

And then he laughed. A full, amused, genuinely entertained laugh. That’s when she took it a step further. “I use it to fuck Zeek.”

I don’t know if I’ve ever turned that shade of red before.

Clyde looked straight at me and, with absolutely zero hesitation, asked, “So… do you like having me inside you?”

How the hell do you answer that?

The rest of the conversation was a mess of mixed signals. It was obvious Clyde wanted Annie, and he didn’t give a damn how I felt about it. He flirted openly, making suggestive comments, dropping subtle (and not-so-subtle) hints about past encounters. Annie didn’t shut it down. If anything, she played along, entertained by the whole thing.

When we finally parted ways, Annie promised to stay in touch, and there was a vague, open-ended invitation to see him again.

She assured me as we drove home she was just playing with me and had no intention of bringing him home. After all, she said, she already has his best attribute on the nightstand.

And when we got home, that’s exactly where she sent me – to retrieve “clyde” from her nightstand. I grabbed the lube too!

As the Website Manager and Advertiser Relations Manager for FemdomU Magazine, Zeek is at the forefront of the online presence of one of the leading publications in the Femdom community. His expertise in website design and management, honed through his ownership of RareMoon, has positioned him as a trusted steward of the magazine’s digital realm. Additionally, Zeek’s role as the lead website designer for FemdomU Magazine ensures that every digital interaction reflects the essence of the publication’s ethos. View Full Profile

1 Comment

  1. levi

    hahaha you really should bring the Real Clyde home – you know you want to watch your wife be really pleasured!


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