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February Sub Performance Report

by | Mar 1, 2025 | 1 comment

As Command Domme, I oversee the subs of the magazine—this includes both our staff subs and the growing group of volunteer virtual subs. Throughout the month, subs are evaluated based on their contributions and ability to follow commands. The Dommes of the magazine assign them various tasks and responsibilities, which earn them either Good Boy pats or punishment lashings, depending on their performance.

Here’s the February 2025 report on our subs:

Staff Subs

Our staff subs have a monthly performance target for Good Boy pats as part of their evaluations. Any punishment lashings assigned are documented accordingly.

Good Boy Quota Met? YES
Total Punishment Lashings: 165

Zeek accomplished a lot this path month, earning twice his quota for Good Boy points! Unfortunately, he also had some punishable offenses. In fact, Zeek may have accomplished something for the first time – he received lashings from every single staff-domme!

  • Madam Nora assigned him 45 lashings for late work and 25 lashings for a major problem with the website that he should not have allowed to happen.
  • Mistress Heather assigned him 15 lashings for late assignments.
  • I assigned him 15 lashings for a conversation we had where he got a little too comfortable crossing a line with some advice.
  • Jessica assigned him 10 lashings for “eating junk when Annie was away”
  • Autumn assigned him 25 “just because.”
  • Goddess Barbara chimed in with 10 for not getting her 100% of the subs to volunteer in her ceremony today.
  • He even got some from a Guest Domme – Mizz Yvette gave him 20 because he misspelled her name on the updated about our team page!

That’s 165 lashings for Zeek, also another record. I’ve already verified with his wife, Annie, that she is not only upto the task, she is eager. Apparently, she’s got a new leather strap she’s been ready to use, but she’s also considering using the cane for a portion. I asked her to consider sharing a photo of his markings, and she agreed to think about it!

Good Boy Quota Met? NO
Total Punishment Lashings: 88

Shawn messed up this month. I don’t know the details yet – Mistress Heather assigned him 88 lashings. I’m curious why the that number, or what he did, but so far, she’s keeping mum. Shawn works directly with Heather as he is the sub-editor and she’s our Managing Editor. Let’s hope to hear the story soon! She’s the only one who saw fit to assign him any lashings, so that’s 88 total for Shawn. Another problem for Shawn – he failed to earn enough Good Boy Points this month to meet his quota. This ie embarrassing and entirely unacceptable for the Magazine’s Sub Managing Editor. However, I am leaving any other corrective action related to his underperformance to be addressed by his oversight Domme, Mistress Heather.

Good Boy Quota Met? NO
Total Punishment Lashings: 150

Levi, oh Levi. His performance was being tied to his locked chastity status, but with his current change in his relationship and his newfound “freedom”, I think Madam Nora will be looking for another way to motivate this one.

  • For multiple late assignments, 25 lashings assigned by Mistress Heather
  • For a poorly written article with multiple errors, another 25 lashings assigned by Mistress Heather
  • For missing an important team conference call, 25 lashings assigned by Madam Nora.
  • For talking over Goddess Barbara, 25 lashings were assigned by myself.

There were some other punishable offenses, but instead of listing them all, I’m assigning him another 50 lashings for various underperformances. That’s 150 lashings total for Levi, but it’s even worse. Once again, for the 2nd month in a row, Levi failed to meet his quota for earning Good Boy Points.

I’ll be conferring with Nora and Heather and coming up with an Action Plan for Levi. This is related to his employment with the Magazine, so some details will be private. However, watch for details, we’ll be as transparent as possible.

Good Boy Quota Met? YES
Total Punishment Lashings: 70 (+ taking lashings earned by all the sub!)

As usual, duckie was mostly a good boy. He more than met his quota, earning Good Boy Points from most the Dommes, including two of our Guest Dommes! And, once again duckie hadn’t earned any punishment lashings himself. That was until I mentioned to Nora that Zeek was getting lashings from each of the Staff Dommes. She decided she liked the idea and asked each of us to assign duckie 10 lashings and provide something he needs to improve. So, here we go:

  • Mistress Heather: “His writing is atrocious. To be honest I’ve considered assigning these. The boy has never seen a proper capitalized sentence. I don’t mind with his blog posts, but you should see how much editing goes into making one of his articles ready for publication. I’ll assign him 10 lashings and another 10 to make a point.”
  • Me (Mizz Geena!) “duckie is always such a good boy, but he needs to do better at sending out communication to our Guest Dommes and volunteer subs. 10 lashings.”
  • Jessica: “He is still resistant to eating properly and I have a feeling he’s still worming his way out of green vegetables. I’ll be discussing further with Nora, but for now 10 lashings will suffice.”
  • Autumn: “10 for duckie because he still hasn’t sent me that photo.”
  • Goddess Barbara: “I love duckie! But I suppose I’ll give him 10 lashings for being such a cutie. Honestly, I don’t have any other reason!”
  • Mizz Yvette: one of our guest dommes chimed in, giving duckie 10 lashings for taking too long to respond to her email.

Poor duckie, that’s 70 lashings of his own this month!

Virtual Volunteer Service Subs

In addition to earning Good Boy pats and punishment lashings, our volunteer subs now have the opportunity to earn badges that will be displayed on their profiles.

Level III Obedient Servitors

Good Boy Points: 55
Punishment Marks: 20
Badges Earned: Obedient Financier, Properly Punished

mr.sub earned 20 punishment lashings, assigned by Madam Nora for an incomplete assignment. However, he also racked up 55 Good Boy pats and earned a new badge: Obedient Financier. This is a badge unique badge created for mr.sub. I’ll make a post soon explaining, but he earned the new badge partially to recognize his status as a private investor in the Magazine, but also other various business consulting services he provided this month.

Level II Devoted Contributors

Good Boy Points: 15
Punishment Marks: 7
Badges Earned: Cum Control Cadet, Artistic Asset, Properly Punished

anonsub was on leave much of this month, but returned and completed a few tasks. He earned his good boy points. The big news for anonsub is he is without his owner for the next 8 weeks. As such, his owner had him sign over control of his orgasms to Mistress Heather, who will also be his Oversight Domme. For the next 8 weeks, anonsub has some extra incentive to complete our tasks! We’ve also given him the new Artistic Asset badge to recognize his work creating feature images.

Good Boy Points: 50
Punishment Marks: 5 (x5) = 25
Badges Earned: Strike a Pose, Property of FUM, Self Spanked, FUM Fanboy, Nipple Numbskull, Merit Sub, 90-Days of Submission

Once again, exibishboy led the pack by gaining the most new badges. His Strike a Pose was for completing a modeling project for a guide being published later this month. His Property of FUM- look at his new profile image with our website proudly displayed across his chest! Of course the self-spanked badge, earned for self administering his punishment lashings. FUM Fanboy for being such proficient commenter on blog posts and articles. The Nipple Numbskull was earned for completing a series of 5 tasks on Nipple Domination and Pain Training. Finally, the Merit Sub badge – earned for having been such good boy he’s earned 10 or more badges! As for his punishment marks, he had only earned 5 all month! I decided that won’t be useful to his training, so I’ve given him a 5x multiplier this month. Still, only 25 self-administered lashings… I’m worried I’m not doing my job preparing him for an IRL Domme’s punishments. To that point, I’m going to have him repeat his punishment ceremony three more times, for a total of 4 in March. I’ll have him live-blog his reports, so watch his updates in theWHIP.

Level I Novice Servants

pussy slave
Good Boy Points: 15
Punishment Marks: 7
Badges Earned: 90-Days of Submission, Properly Punished

He did better this month and I’m proud that he earned more Good Boy Pats than he did punishments. We celebrated his 90-day anniversary, and he earned the new Properly Punished Badge for receiving his punishment lashings IRL from his Domme (Lady CM).

Good Boy Points: 28
Punishment Marks: 63
Badges Earned: Properly Punished, Porn Scout

piggy took on the role of porn scout, achieving the first level badge. He also got the Properly Punished for taking his punishment lashings IRL, administered by his Owner. His punishment marks come mostly from a command by his Owner, who requested we assign him 2 lashings for every good boy point he earned. Honestly, I couldn’t resist such a reasonable request.

Good Boy Points: 30
Punishment Marks: 14
Badges Earned: 30-Days of Submission, Blogging Bottom

This sub advanced from a pathetic pledge to a Level 1 sub this month. He also earned his Blogging Bottom badge for his first post to the Whip. Overall, he’s off to a decent start.

Level 0 Submissive Pledges

Good Boy Points: 10
Punishment Marks: 20
Badges Earned: none

He only had 10 days in the month from the point he signed his contract. However, the only good boy points he earned were for signing the contract. He’s done nothing since. I’ve assigned the 20 punishment marks, I suspect duckie will have to take them all. This sub has 17 days remaining before his 30-day review. I hope he shows us what he has to offer.

Good Boy Points: 32
Punishment Marks: 0
Badges Earned: Published Package

He only just signed his contract with 4 days in the month, but already got a badge! Most of his phenomenal number of good boy points were earned for submitting his package for review. I’m waiting for him to submit the information for his profile and then he can proudly display his first badge!

Good Boy Points: 15
Punishment Marks: 25
Badges Earned: Kneeling Confessor

This boy is an interesting story. He started out as a ”guest-sub’ when his girlfriend/owner Hannah had him write a letter to the Forum. I give kudos to duckie for talking to charlie_ and building his interest in volunteering. After some back and forth with Hannah, I was able to negotiate a slightly altered contract for him that honored his responsibilities to Hanah over all else, and some additional personalized privacy protections she wanted in place. All in all, we created an agreement that she was satisfied met her requirements and gave us valuable insight. All good – except he has not met any of his commitments so far and doesn’t even have his profile built. Thus, the punishment points. I’m sure he’ll improve this month! He did earn the Kneeling Confessor badge for his letter to the forum.

Punishment Ceremony: duckie’s Fate

Per our punishment protocolpoor duckie—the Magazine’s service sub and Madam Nora’s personal property—must physically endure all punishment lashings assigned across the subs.

His punishment ceremony will take place on March 8th, in the evening. Madam Nora is planning a special event to celebrate International Women’s Day, which occurs the same day! Watch for details.

As of now, duckie’s total stands at 654 lashings.

duckie’s punishment ceremony is held once a month when his owner, the magazine’s Editor-in-Chief Madam Nora Sinclair adminsiters his lashings, usually in a private group ceremony.

Why does he take lashings for all the subs? A big part of duckie’s responsibilities is ensuring the team of subs are all meeting deadlines and staying on track. This ceremony is a monthly reminder for him to improve his efforts.

So, for his February punishment:

  • duckie’s personally assigned lashings: 70
  • total of staff sub lashings: 403
  • total of volunteer sub lashings: 181
  • Grand Total: 654

We know that duckie has a very high pain tolerance, and in fact is quite the little pain slut. He usually begs for more! However, this is too much even for him. Nora has confided in me that she intends to push him to some extremes this time – it’s a special day, it’s their last event before moving, and she wants to leave a lasting memory for duckie.

Still, 654 is too many for duckie. The team of subs have options to help duckie, as per the punishment protocol.

Now, each sub has the opportunity to take their own punishment lashings. By doing so, they’ll reduce the number duckie has to endure. I’m going to be making a few individualized offers to some of the subs, giving them an opportunity to help duckie even further.

How many will step up?

We’ll find out after duckie takes his lashings on March 8th. He has already been assigned to publish a full account of the ceremony the next day!

Mizz Geena
Mizz Geena is a seasoned professional Dominatrix with nearly two decades of experience in the field. Her career spans in-person sessions, phone interactions, and now, virtual domination sessions, reflecting her adaptability and dedication to her craft. Geena specializes in a unique blend of gentle dominance paired with a strict hand, a style she describes as “Gentle Therapeutic Femdom with a Sting!” This approach encourages, entices, and arouses her submissive partners, ensuring a fulfilling and empowering experience for all involved. View Full Profile

1 Comment

  1. duckie

    umm wow that escalated fast. Madam informed me that whatever my total from the Magazine ended up being, she was doubling due to my repeated failures in my responsibilities. this will be interesting.


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