Part 2 to the story is in conversational style because it sets stage and tone better, conveys emotion, excitement, sexual tension, and both in-the-moment thrills and also the hope that future thrills – which seemed more likely as the afternoon went on – would be even better. Total electricity!
This happened almost 15 years ago. Dialogue is consequently reconstructed. It conveys the story of a momentous (it turns out … a seminal stage-setter for much of all our private lives to follow) and very fun afternoon. Being reconstructed is not to say its’s inaccurate. It replicates the sequence of events, mirrors closely what was said, and almost certainly conveys both the feelings of the participants in the moment and also their hopes – at the time fantasies – for the future. The girls who were there have proofread this. They corrected a few things and added things I’d forgotten. Very fond memories for us all.
This is not fantasy. It happened.
Charise was first to arrive – exactly on time. It was 3:30 PM and scorching hot out. I showed her through the front door and thanked her for coming. “I think you’ll be delighted,” I said. She smiled ear-to-ear but seemed to not know what to say. “May I get you a drink?” “Water,” she replied.
Before I could return from the kitchen with Charise’s drink, the doorbell rang. It was Katie and Terri. We all smiled and I thanked them for coming.
“Let me give Charise her drink. … Can I get you something?”
“Is that water?”
That’s fine for me too.”
“And me,” said Terri, smiling slightly.
Then a knock at the side entrance … Deb. Deb lived just next door and immediately I thought she might have made her way around a fence in back and have already seen Krissi. He would have certainly been making a commotion on the bluff and drawn her attention. She wasn’t smiling, already perspiring just a touch. Hi there, Deb; please come in. May I get you a drink?”
“Yes; do you have white wine?”
“Certainly! How’s a pinot gris sound?”
I turned to get a bottle from the pantry, and she followed me into the kitchen.
“The others are already here … in the living room.”
“You know, this is the first time I’ve been in this house.”
She then briefly explained that she’d always wanted to see it. I replied that perhaps time would permit showing her around a little later, “a fitting complement to the grand reveal.”
Now she grinned broadly, and I handed her the wine.
“Thank you for coming; I’m sure you’ll enjoy this.”
“You can bet on it,” she replied.
I chuckled, “hopefully you’ll be here, and perhaps also he and I at your place, more often in the future.”
She looked at me quizzically. I sensed hopefully too.
Deb was no-nonsense, just the type that, left to her own, in an hour might be riding Krissi’s cock … not to happen today. Maybe next week but not today.
We joined the others in the Living Room. All were in lightweight party dresses; two were traditional button-up-the front. But not our mom’s summer dresses, and not what these girls wore to church either; all at least 8 inches above the knees. The slightest breeze would certainly reveal panties (if worn) for the two girls whose dresses buttoned up the front.
This had been so easy to do: set a table on the bluff patio. There were two tables normally but I had Krissi move one so there’d be a cleared viewing area at the end where he was likely to climb up. He’d been down at the bottom of the bluff, near the riverbank, all day, removing brush and unearthing long-buried stone from a walkway that was there 50 years ago. It was stifling hot, so he’d be glistening in sweat. Into the sweat would inevitably be dissolved dirt, turned to mud streaks on his naked body, the odd piece of debris sticking to him here and there. He would be a mess; but a very sexy mess.
The reveal was going to be striking; but perhaps also a little smelly. So, I had put 4 small natural sponges, 4 bars of Dial soap, 2 handled carwash sponges and 5 kitchen aprons in a 2-gallon bucket and placed it on the back porch. He’d require a bath for sure.
“Well, there’s nothing exciting happening here,” I said, “so let’s go to the patio. We went out through the French doors, crossed the lawn and in a minute were descending the steps to the patio.
“Who’s excited?”
They all giggled. “Can’t wait,” said Katie.
“Krissi!! (I used his real not his cuckold name), I called down the bluff. “Krissi, we have company!” “Come up!”
“Ladies, step over here to the edge; you’ll be able to watch him.’
The bluff is a sharply inclined hillside, formed by rock ledges, which dropped from our patio about 80 feet to the river. It had been covered in underbrush which Krissi was clearing and can be walked only in a few spots. Most of it must be climbed; some hand-over-hand; the stuff of a fit former athlete doing his thing. You can imagine: a naked man climbing, one leg almost always raised high, his flaccid junk swinging and bouncing.
Oh, I must clarify that he was naked but for boots and socks. Obviously, he could not do what he was doing barefooted.
The patio is carved out of the bluff and sits atop a 5-foot stone retaining wall.
Krissi would have to propel himself from the bluff – jump – to get onto the paved patio.
An instant after I called, he moved from behind some undergrowth and began the ascent.
“Wow,” said the 4 girls almost simultaneously. One added, “look at him.”
He’d been working outside almost non-stop for several weeks, naked, and had become quite tanned. He was unusually fit for a man his age; no excess body fat.
In less than a minute he was half-way up and close enough where we could clearly see his overheated and distended manhood bouncing and swaying – revealing for the first time to the ladies that his was a “good cock.”
Katie giggled and shrugged her shoulders, smiling. The others just gazed at Krissi, almost slack jawed.
“Where will you come up?” I asked.
“Over here,” he said, pointing to the end I’d had him clear.
In another half minute he was at the patio wall, less than 10 feet away. All eyes were on him, glistening with sweat, his muscles pumped from weeks hard labor and the cock and balls all these ladies had imagined.
In the next moment he jumped up, raising his right leg high to catch the patio deck. Bouncing cock and balls were right there in front of us, slapping violently against his body as he jumped … an impressive exhibit of athleticism and sexy manhood. The girls all laughed out loud and were left grinning, looking of course at his distended cock.
In this moment I was so proud of him, presenting himself unabashedly to new friends.
As soon as he was vertical (no, not yet erect) on the deck, not forgetting his manners, “Good afternoon, Ladies,” and stepped forward, offering his hand. Deb quickly replied, “it’s not your hand we want to shake!” The other girls laughed again. Krissi smiled knowingly. I could tell that Deb’s statement was a universal sentiment.
“Krissi, you remember Charise, Katie, Terri, and Deb, from church.
“Yes, Ma’am.”
“Ladies, there’s what’s been hiding in a pants leg.”
To this point, I had not known how this moment might go, but better-than-good was an understatement. They all seemed to be really into it.
I then replied to Deb “all things at the proper time,” and the girls looked at me for the first time since Krissi had captured their attention. A couple of them seemed slightly surprised by the comment, or were quizzical, unaware but excited by what I might intend.
“Krissi, D I S P L A Y! (This is the command to adopt the slave position to display it’s body – standing, legs spread just beyond shoulder width, back straight and arched, butt out, head straight, eyes lowered, hands overlapped behind his head, elbows back.
We all just looked at him for what seemed like 5 minutes.
His body glistened. Sweat rolled down across his tummy, body hair matted. Some drained down the hanging cock and dripped from its head, forming a little puddle between his feet.
“Look at that cute little puddle,” I said, pointing at it. Everyone grinned again and shuffled their feet, anxiously. Sexual energy was palpable.
I took this opportunity to grab my camera from the table for a few snapshots.
“Ladies, does anyone mind if I take some pictures?”
“No; please do, said one of them; the others nodding.
“Krissi, turn around. Show us that cute butt!” I said. And he did.
“That’s really nice,” said Charise, speaking for the first time.
“Sure is,” said Molly. “Legs too.” “Shoulders.”
Things were loosening up a bit … very good.
Molly took a step forward, looked at her friends, smiled, and pointed at Krissi’s cock and balls, hanging visibly between his legs. “Lookee here!”
They all smiled and nodded heads.
“Krissi, so you know, every Sunday after church, when we gather to chat at the front, these ladies have been looking at the outline your cockhead makes in your trousers. The neighborly thing to do was invite them for a proper look; so, from now on there will be no mystery. Don’t you agree?
“Yes, ma’am.”
“Krissi, bend over.”
He understood standard commands and was trained well to assume positions properly. He bent over at the waist, legs straight, head up and back arched.
Immediately, no one could not notice the butt plug.
Krissy, then and now, a decade later, is in a continuous training program; asshole not neglected. At the time the day-long plug was a SnugPlug 3. He’d worn it since breakfast.
“Hmmm …” I stepped forward, took hold of the plug’s wings and in one movement snatched it quickly out of his hole.
This little demonstration was to reaffirm to everyone that I owned his body.
Without pausing, I squatted, said “open your mouth” and pushed it in. Bent over as he was – in perfect posture – his face and mouth were visible to everyone.
Someone, probably Charise, muttered, “Oh my goodness!”
The SnugPlug was a touch too big to fit. I pushed at it a few times; but too big. The tip end passed his lips but not it’s barrel; so, I shoved one of the plug’s wings into his mouth. “Here, bite this and hold on to it.”
“Ladies, I don’t permit nasty things like worn butt plugs to be set down on my floors or furniture, inside or out. They belong in the slave’s ass or nasty mouth.”
The ladies all looked at me, surprised for sure, and thrilled too. This was the first time they’d heard me refer to Krissi as a slave.
Krissi, having taken the pointed end of a butt plug he’d worn all day between his lips, now to have it dangling against his chin and unable to speak, was bent in perfect display posture, head up, back arched, eyes down, butt offered skyward.
“Ladies, look at that asshole.”
“Krissi, gape that hole for the ladies!”
He did his best, but it was unimpressive. The SnugPlug has a narrow neck, and his butthole was too relaxed to gape … (certainly this showed room for improvement).
“I’m sorry, ladies. His hole needs to be better. Not what I hoped he’d show.”
The ladies simply gazed; clearly surprised, perhaps even shocked, and not just by the unabashed show he gave them but moreso that he responded immediately to my direction; completely at my beck and call. Not something rehearsed; instead the result of lengthy training. The girls were clearly excited. No doubt those panties were moistening.
But everyone could certainly smell him, drenched in a day’s sweat, dirty from the bluff, and now also with that nasty plug hanging from his mouth. From the moment Molly stepped forward to point at his balls, we were all very close; and he was rank.
“Krissi, you stink! Go get the garden hose and the bucket that’s on the back porch. Turn the hose on.” First remove your boots and socks; then hurry up!”
He was back in a minute. “Krissi, stop there, at the edge of the lawn.”
He stopped, facing us, now 5 feet above us, holding the running garden hose in one hand and the bucket of bathing necessities in the other. We looked right into the eye of his dick.
“Ladies, he’s obviously too dirty to be near us any longer; and must be bathed. A few minutes ago, Deb said she wasn’t keen on shaking his dirty hand. So, what d’ya say we bathe him. In the bucket you’ll find aprons to cover your nice clothes, rubber gloves to protect your hands, and bars of soap. Who wants to?”
Everyone jumped immediately at the opportunity.
“One of you hose him down, and then put enough water in the bucket.”
“Krissi, I gestrured with a hand, fore and middle fingers extended and pointed at the ground in an inverted “victory” V.”
“Ladies, this is the signal for him to kneel and spread his knees. Start at his head. Wash him good! Deb, now you can shake whatever part of him you’d like.”
In a few minutes his head, face, and shoulders were well lathered.
“Boy, Krissi, a minute or two ago that cock was looking good; now it looks like a baby bird in the nest. We’ll have to do something about this.”
The cold tap water had caused his junk to draw up into a little ball.
“Are you ready to move down, I asked the girls?”
“Krissi, stand. Spread your legs wider.”
The girls needed neither directions nor encouragement. In less than ten minutes, I’d say Krissi’s cock, balls, and butt had never been cleaner. It was great to see that every one of them took all of him in hand. Several fingers disappeared between his cheeks. Then, washing legs, they all repeatedly hit the cock, keeping it in constant motion.
When Deb had a hand between his cheeks, he must have flinched slightly because Katie looked right at her intently, realizing instantly that Deb had penetrated him. She had a finger or two in his asshole. Deb responded with an “oh well” look.
I was very encouraged by this and by the girls growing comfort. They were obviously excited to take full advantage of Krissi’s body. I was also proud of him. He was doing his duty.
“Krissi, I shouldn’t have to tell you to present your feet. Obviously, your bath is at the point.”
At this he raised one foot and then, when the girls had washed it with their hands, the other.
“OK; now hose him off.”
“Krissi, bend over so they can hose down your ass.” He quickly complied. “Good!”
“Now, who wants to put the butt plug back in?”
All were again surprised and hesitated; except for Terri who had gotten more and more into it as minutes passed. “I want to” she said.
Deb interjected: “I should! But first I want to see how many fingers will fit.”
I said “no, not now. Maybe later.”
Turning to Terri, “OK. Have you done this before?”
Instantly she looked a touch disappointed, “No.”
“Fine. A few pointers. … Ladies: the rest of you pay attention. From how things are going I’m guessing you’ll all be doing this, perhaps sooner than later.”
“OK, Terri; you shouldn’t shove a plug – particularly one of this size – into a boy’s asshole unlubricated. Saliva is the very best lubricant. Have him lick the plug. Make sure its sloppy wet with his spit” …
“Krissi, on all fours. Point that asshole at the sky.”
“Now, have him wet 2 or 3 of your fingers. Just as the plug. Lick your fingers.”
“Wet down and massage his asshole.”
“That’s not enough. Have him lick them again.”
“And again.”
“What do you think; is it wet enough?”
“OK, put the plug at his rosebud and push on it, firmly but not hurriedly.”
We all watched Terri’s efforts. The plug went in about ¾ of the Snug Plug’s taper.
“Should I push harder?” Terri asked.
“No, repeat everything. Have him lick the plug again. Make sure there’s lots of spit on its taper and cylinder. And again, your fingers. This time insert your fingers into his asshole. Pull them out and have him re-lick them. Not just once but several times. Get the hole thoroughly wet. Then push the plug in again, slowly.”
“No, Terri, all the way. All the way in … you’ve got to get them into the rectum.”
Everyone watched closely. Terri pushed two, then three fingers all the way in, then tried the plug again. This time it seemed to get all the way to the taper’s shoulder, but no further.
Terri looked at me, uncertain.
“Go ahead, repeat everything: plug and fingers back to his mouth. Sopping wet with spit.”
She did exactly as told. Everyone watched. I could tell from the squirms that several girls were growing even more excited.
It was very HOT! A good-looking slave boy, naked, obviously familiar with ass-to-mouth duties; and 5 pretty ladies – all daintily dressed – in close proximity watching. I hoped that at least one would be imagining Krissi’s tongue in their asshole.
This time the plug went past its shoulder.
“Good, Terri. Now push it all the way in. Use the palm of your hand and shove. … There, see that? It goes in with a snap. Fully inserted. Good girl.”
“Krissi, D I S P L A Y! Ladies, please have a seat. Dump the bucket and put your gloves and aprons back in it, please.”
“Aren’t we gonna dry him off?” Terri questioned.
“No, he’ll drip dry quickly.”
“Now, about that cock,” and I pointed skyward with an index finger – the sign for “UP!”, meaning to get it hard right now.
“Ladies, this – and I held up my finger again – is an order to get the cock hard.”
“Oh goodness,” said Charise. ” Oh boy!” said Katie. “Now Krissi, while its growing, please wait on our guests.” There are two trays of hors d’oeuvres in the fridge in the garage.
He was always responsive, and the cock began to rise as he circulated around the table taking drink orders, standing immediately next to each girl, the cock barely more than a foot from their faces. All eyes were on it, and now nervous smiles for just instants as they gazed. All four squirmed. They were all growing hotter and hotter.
White wine this time for everyone.
“Bring down the opened bottle of Pinot Gris and one of Sauvignon Blanc.”
“Krissi, that thing is getting big fast!!” exclaimed Deb.
“When Meghan says, “get it up,” he most certainly does!” said Terri. “I’m impressed!”
“Meghan, I want your training technique,” said Katie simultaneously.
I smiled to ask, “impressed with what, Terri?” Seemingly now becoming breathless, she said, matter-of-factly, “that penis!”
In less than 30 seconds it had grown half hard, over 6 inches long and as fat as the handle of a curling iron, just at the instant erecting itself clear of a tightening ball sac. The girls struggled to keep their composures.
… This was great!! They were certainly a horny group.
“Yes Ma’am” he replied and headed toward the steps.
“Krissi,” Katie called out; “I don’t think I’ve seen a dick get hard without being touched. But you are. How?”
“Ma’am, I’m just thinking about you pretty ladies.”
“Right, Krissi; are you sure that’s all? What about them?” I asked. He was about to reply but I cut him off, “I bet your thinking about their wonderful pussies, about how you’d love to lick them; how you’d like them to fuck you.” That’ll get you hard, for sure. I continued immediately, thinking out loud, “Ladies, Krissi’s such a nasty boy, bet he’s thinking of running his tongue across your assholes.”
His cock twitched. ”See that? That’s it. I’m right … I know my boy. He’s imagining putting the tongue in your assholes.”
More than one girl exhaled audibly. Charise grimaced slightly.
“Krissi, show my guests your tongue.”
He stuck it out.
Krissi’s tongue is long, pointed, and very well exercised.
“Touch your nose with it,” I commanded. He curled and then laid it very slightly atop the tip of his nose.
“Girls, see how long it is? Just imagine putting that to use. Of course, I do more than imagine. A lot!”
This was my bombshell, to see if I couldn’t get things moving more quickly.
“Run on now, these pussies are waiting! Ladies, if you’ve not had a man’s tongue in your ass, you don’t know what you’re missing. He got me started, years ago asked to lick me. Till then I’d kept him away from my butt. But he looked so dear and eager that I said yes. And again, the next time, and the time after, etc. One evening after work, I changed into workout clothes (in those days they were sweatpants), without panties, went to him (he was on the deck out back) and ordered “get back there. Lick my ass.” The rest is history. … if you’re not doing this regularly, you’re missing out. You’re gonna’ love it! It’s wonderful!!”
As I spoke, he ran up the steps. The cock bounced hard against his tummy.
“Girls, would you like to put that tongue to work?”
They didn’t reply, just looking inquisitively at each other. I let it go.
In just a few minutes he was back; the cock now rock-hard and pointing to sky over the hills across the river.
He asked each girl which wine they preferred, and then served them, Terri taking the opportunity when she was served to reach around and feel his butt and then to press on the plug. Deb followed suit. They all touched the cock with a finger or two, tracing corona or shaft.
Katie was served first. She immediately saw a drop of pre-cum sitting at his eye. “Look!” and reached to touch it with a forefinger. Krissi stood very still. It would be rude to pull back from our guest and he knew such of a thing would get him whipped (which might be fun too!).
Katie lifted her finger slowly. Everyone watched. A ribbon of pre-cum stretched from the cockhead to her finger, then broke. She looked at me, with just a hint of devilish grin, then raised the finger to her lips.
“Wow, its so sweet!” Tastes good! How do you do this? Kevin’s is bitter.”
I replied, very assuredly, “Diet. Fruits and vegetables. Exercise. Drinking lots of water. And a penis performance plan, tailored to where he is today and what I want him to become.”
“What?” she asked, incredulous …
“Krissi, finish serving. And mind your manners. It’s impolite not to offer the other girls what Katie finds enjoyable.”
And so he made his way around the table, each girl lightly touching the cockhead to sample Krissi’s excitement. Each repeated Katie’s compliment.
This was going far better than I’d have ever dreamed. Clearly these girls, every one of them married and raising a family, needed a real man in their lives, needed to learn how to take charge of their men.
Deb was last to be served.
She took full advantage; no finger dip for her. Instead, she reached up took hold of the cock, shook it gently, looked him in the eye, and said “see, I said I didn’t want to shake your hand,” and then took the whole engorged cockhead into her mouth.
Charise exclaimed, “Oh my God, Deb; we’re married women!”
“Indeed, we are,” added Terri, hesitating a moment, “but I want my turn too.”
“Krissi, offer my guests my cock to do with as they choose.”
“My cock,” I said, affirming my ownership. These ladies must understand that they must own their husbands.
Terri then practically swallowed Krissi. She was good; obviously experienced. Who’d have guessed? The girls commented, “Wow, Terri …” The rest, including Charise (despite her protestation), took their turn.
Deb took another, not to be outdone by Terri.
While one of her friends was sucking Krissi, Terri observed, “my goodness, that’s probably the most beautiful dick I’ve ever seen, and big too.”
“Well, looks are only skin deep” I said. “Performance is what matters. Ladies, is everyone enjoying themselves?”
Nodding heads and a quick sip of wine confirmed it.
Charise commented, “Big? You should see Josh.”
“Ladies, take firm hold of the shaft. See how hard he is … for you.”
“Now,” and I stepped over next to him, gripping the cockhead between a thumb and forefinger, “test the cockhead. Feel it. See how firm the corona is. … Look, there’s more pre-cum. Please do clean that off before it drips. Taste him again.”
Krissi was presenting to Charise now. I watched, then stepped in again to instruct. “Here, do this too,” and I again took the glans between my fingers, but fingernails this time, and pinched it hard. “Pinch it,” I instructed. “Hard … leave marks. Let’s see if he keeps it hard.”
“Now,” I continued, reaching under to circle the ball sac with thumb and forefinger, “pull the balls out where you can get a better look” and I pulled on them hard. “Look at them.”
Krissi moved on the Katie. She took the whole package in both hands, rubbing and squeezing lightly. “Wow, he’s so smooth. I really like this. Those marks … Wow. Watch me mark him. … does that hurt, Krissi? Katie smilled.
“Yes, I like them bare,” I said. “He’s waxed. … by Madeline at Glamorous Nails.”
“So she’s seen him too?” asked Deb.
“Oh yes; many times. I don’t let him simply roll down his pants either. He strips completely naked. To do his butthole, she bends him over just like he was for you earlier. Gives Madeline a better view of the balls and sometimes she must do another set of strips, to make sure he’s absolutely smooth.”
Katie said, “Madeline? She does my nails.”
“Well, next time you’re there, mention that you’ve seen more of her handiwork and that you’re impressed. … see what conversation might be stirred …”
While I spoke, a new dollup of pre-cum raised from the cock eye.
“Oh good, he’s giving me a present. Thank you, Krissi,” said Katie. Holding him firmly, she lapped the head with a flat tongue.
Smiling, Charise said, “girl, you look like you’re working on an ice cream cone.”
“Yes; but so much better.” Everyone smiled. Katie licked her lips and giggled.
The girls were coming around fast; and Charise’s comment about husband, Josh’s, cock was very encouraging.
Now he was at Deb’s seat. “Goodness, did you all see it twitch? … It twitched … Meghan, I think he’s about to cum.”
“No, Deb. He won’t cum unless I tell him to. He’s not gonna cum for you this evening. We’ll save that for another time. … But … do you wanna make double sure? “
Now we’d come to a very important part of the afternoon. It was apparent these girls could handle graphic language and were comfortable together acting out as sexy ladies with a naked man, speaking frankly to one another. I needed to also see if they could hurt a boy. I needed to see if there was uncertainty or timidity. Managing pain is a good way to train mental toughness. Boys need to be mentally tough if they’re to command their cocks and please ladies totally.
“Here … I’ll go first. Men aren’t nearly as fragile as we’ve been taught, and it makes them better boys when we’re rough. Deb, pinch the glans as hard as you can.”
Krissi flinched ever so slightly as Deb’s nails dug in.
“Krissi! No! Hold still!!” Scanning the ladies, I went on, “they must be trained to take it. They have to take pain without reacting. It’s mental conditioning that improves their performance in every way. Someday I’ll give you a demonstration. Usually he’s pretty good.”
I stepped to Krissi’s side, squatted, and then slapped the cock and balls. They moved and recoiled exactly as you’d expect – bouncing off a leg. A fresh dollup of pre-cum flew from its head.
“Darn, that went to waste,” I said, then swung my arm like I was throwing a punch and slapped it again. Then I strangled the ball sac, squeezed the nuts together, pulled them to his front, and patted them repeatedly, harder and harder each pat, until I drew my arm back and slapped them hard.
“Now, your turns. Hit that cock!” Everyone was simultaneously surprised and excited.
Deb went first and slapped him twice.
“Harder,” I said, and she popped him really good two more times.
“Girls, use both hands. Make sure to hit both sides of the shaft, and the head. Gather the balls the way I’ve shown you and hit them like you just saw me.”
Each girl took her turn and didn’t hold back. The cock and balls were rapidly flushing red from the blows. And he was still rock hard.
He was back at Katie’s chair now. “Katie, squeeze it to see if its as hard as before.”
“Sure is,” she said.
“Isn’t this fun?” I asked.
Katie replied, without taking eyes off the cock, “A lot!”
Charise spoke again, “too much fun. We could all continue this all the way through supper. Meghan, I think its time to call it a day.” I can’t …; I just can’t believe you’ve shared your husband like this. But thank you. He’s gorgeous! And …” speaking a bit sheepishly, ”I must admit tasty too.”
Everyone nodded, giggled, and quickly finished their wine.
She continued, “… and you’ve said there’ll be other times …” looking at me. Everyone looked at me.
“Definitely,” I said.
Charise, always the conscientious one, then said “One other thing, we should applaud Krissi.”
So everyone looked again at him and clapped, the cock still rock hard and now cherry red..
I interjected, ”I have a suggestion for thanking him. Look how hard he’s stayed for you. Now day-glow red. Very pretty.”
Immediately Katie agreed, “Yes, very pretty!”
I knew they’d all immediately assume that I was about to suggest they join together for a hand or blow job, even though I’d said he’d not be cumming today.
“Take off your panties.”
They all looked at each other.
“Come on, Ladies. Surely, they must be soaked. What a treat they’ll be for Krissi.”
Terri was the first to move, standing and raising her skirt enough to get a finger in her panty waste band. She didn’t turn away from Krissi and as she pushed them down there was just the briefest glimpse of her crotch … another good sign.
The other 3 followed suit quickly.
“Now, Terri, turn them inside out and shove the panel into Krissi’s mouth.
“Krissi, isn’t this the most fabulous treat? Say thank you as best you can with your mouth full of their delicious pussies. … Wait, I’m getting ahead of myself … let’s give him a moment with Terri’s flavor.”
“Now Terri, pull them out but hold onto them … Krissi, your manners…”
“Thank you, Miss Terri, you’re delicious!”
“You’re welcome, Krissi.” And grinned broadly. She paused. I was about to shuffle him along to Charise, but Terri spoke. “Would you like to lick me, Krissi?”
“Wait!” I exclaimed. “Terri … Oh, Terri. You’ve got a lot to learn. You don’t ask a man what he’d like. You tell him to do what you want … and how you want it. Anytime. Anywhere. His duty is to satisfy you. Do what strikes you at the moment.”
She then looked at him and leaned over to place a little peck kiss on the tip of his dick.
She was one hot little lady.
After what had been a surprising but pleasing afternoon, and as horny as everyone was, in only an hour or so everyone came to appreciate how Krissi had become what he so clearly was – my slave. And they’d hopefully – I think likely – be beginning to think about how to capture a little of this in their own marriages.
The day had been a huge success.
“Ok, Charise … your panties.”
And so, Krissi went ‘round the table, complimenting every girl’s flavor and thanking them.
A good boy.
“Everyone, thank you for coming. Thank you! You made clear your interest with the coy glances at church; so, offering him for you firsthand was the neighborly thing to do. I think it could not have worked out better. Please, on your way out, stuff those panties back into his mouth. He’ll chew on them for a while, get ‘em clean and then you just tell me when and how he should return them.”
Everyone looked at me. I winked and smiled.
Terri: “how will he know who’s is who’s?”
“Oh, he knows. He won’t forget. He’s a good boy. … And take another look at the cockhead. See if your marks are still there.
“If everyone agrees, when will you return, for the next course?” A ripple of excitement went through the group, now standing (and pantyless). “Same time next week? Krissi will hopefully be done on the bluff and can greet you more properly.”
Deb added, “Oh, I liked today’s greeting just fine.”
Everyone laughed. And I could see that my words “… for another course,” had them all thinking again.
And how about Sunday, swing by with your husbands right after the service?
Eyes widened. I laughed, “don’t worry; our little secret is safe with me and Krissi. It’s up to you to manage your boys. But we should include them, right? I don’t think this can be repeated many times without it.”
Again, furtive glances between them. Clearly, they’d not thought that far ahead and would need to.
I felt it best to leave things lay where they were, for now; and walked everyone to the front lawn, thanked them again for coming, and waved goodbye. I knew they’d think of little else until the “next course.” As they walked away, Krissi smiled and nodded, panties hanging from his mouth, his nakedness fully visible from the street to anyone who happened by.
I got a lot of great pictures that afternoon, including ones of each girl posed with Krissi: standing side-by-side, and a sitting one of her smiling with Krissi’s groin alongside and just behind her face.
The follow-on meetings happened just as I laid them out, and then more, and more. The ladies began calling or swinging by to talk, and then, after a while, to be serviced by Krissi. It seemed that they were all moving toward Female-Led Relationships in their marriages and I was happy to help, looking forward to the day when, or at least at the time I was imagining a house full of naked and fit men with hard-ons. Not that year, tho. The ladies were working on them at home. They said they’d keep their boy naked when kids, still at home, permitted. And, at their recommendation, we added a couple more ladies to the group. Over several years I invited, one-by-one, 3 more, all widowed or divorced.
At the moment, tho – that afternoon – a loose end to make my afternoon complete:
“Krissi, you forgot your manners too many times today. Go get my whip – number 3. Meet me out back, right now. I’ll take care of that hard-on.
I was super horny too. The thrill and fulfillment of whipping him would set the stage perfectly for an evening full of orgasms. I might even let him cum.
I remember thinking that I bet I knew four guys who’d get some of the best sex of their lives that night. They’d not know what hit them. Turns out, I was right, and it was important in building relationships and our group.
Wow! I thought I was going through some crazy stuff with my challenges by my wife, but… Wow! Krissi sounds like an amazingly well trained sub and I bet he enjoyed every minute of this experience!
I really like how she took control and her husband has no say over the matter. Showing him off must have been so exhilarating!
Thank you for sharing, Mistress. Very interesting dynamic, I’d like to hear more. My Domme and I have been monogamous and I don’t know if either of us would want to change that, but I am curious to learn how you grew the group and if the other husbands fell in line. Were they all first timers?