Weekly Journal; My Hard Limits
by exibishboy | Mar 3, 2025 |
I have been a volunteer sub for Femdom U since November of last year and have learned a lot about FLR since. Mizz Geena and I have discussing setting boundries in the relationship between a sub and his Mistress. My blog today is Hard Limits and here are some of mine.
Public Femination; Mizz Geena has had me do some tasks in Femination training. At first I thought NO WAY! But I did the tasks she has set so far ( I belive more tasks will be coming) and I can’t describe my feelings about it yet. However, I’m still willing to perform/explore it. I’ve told Mizz Geena I wouldn’t object to Femination as a sort of punishment in private.
Marks From Whippings; I understand the reason for whipping as punishment. I’ve deserved all of mine. I understand they need to be painful, how else will we learn from our mistakes without pain? My self inflicted lashings have been painful and my ass is stinging and very red from my paddle. But being honest here I dont think I could handle a caining that left marks taking a few days to heel. This may need more discussion between myself and Mizz Geena as I know punishment is essential in learning from our misdeeds and mistakes.
Forced Bi; this is a no no for me. I have nothing against individuals on bi-sexual relationships. It’s their business and I resoect that. But it isn’t me. I just couldn’t do it.
I’m still learning a FLR relationship. I belive it’s right for me. Mizz Geena has taught me there has to be trust and room for discussion between the sub and his Mistress for a satisfying relationship for both.
I welcome comments and advice from everyone on this subject.
krissi was similar for quite some time. i’ve never been into feminization but a couple of the Ladies would like to explore it with their husbands. If it comes to the group, I’ll go along and he’ll have to.
Whippings: you will come along, when you’re actually with a Domme. It’s mental discipline, not unlike when you were young in competitive sports. You divorce your head from the stimulations (and anticipations) of the moment. You’re old enough to have not done this with your cock – semen retention, cock discipline. krissi has told me many times and explained to the Ladies and subs of our group about the fulfillment he gets from seeing me, and them, pleased. So, he’s fulfilled and wears our marks with pride. Now, having said this; it’s good he had to get naked for his secretary yesterday and not today. No doubt she’d be shocked.
As for bi-sexual sex, for sexual acts with a man, in the heat of the moment one evening, I just wanted to see a bull’s cock in krissi’s mouth – the stud athlete on his knees with a dick in his mouth. krissi does what I want. He satisfies my whims. We talked about it afterward and he was content to simply satisfy me. This has now become routine with my bulls. krissi’s not bi-sexual. he’s never out looking for a cock. He simply does what I tell him. From what I’ve seen and read of you, here at the magazine, I’m sure you and your Domme will reach an agreement. It’s good that you’ve brought this up. Keep up the open communications. Mizz Geena will guide you.