One day the Pussy and the Cock got into a hugely argumentative debate. The crux of the debate was as to who amongst them is greater and stronger than the other. The Cock argued that he was greater and stronger than the Pussy, whereas the Pussy argued that she was greater and stronger than the Cock. This argument went on for a very, very long time with neither the Cock nor the Pussy surrendering or accepting defeat.
Then, all of a sudden, the Cock got filled with rage. He stood up and became fully erect. He pushed back the skin covering his head, and exposing his big, pink, bulbous head, he started to shout out in a loud voice, for all to hear.
Cock: “I am the biggest and greatest and most powerful of all. I am much greater, stronger, and mightier than you. Just look at my long, huge, strong physique, and burly muscular body. Just look at my size. I am 14 inches long and 4 inches thick all around. I have strong rippling veins on my body. My big, strong, and muscular head is like a jackhammer and I could crush anybody with it. I can move my body up and down, and I can face any challenges.
I am the king and monarch of all I survey. Just the very sight of me sends shivers down the spine of worthless Cunts like you. I have the great power to dominate you and defeat you. Do you dare to challenge me to a fucking duel? I will overpower you within no time. I have conquered greater Pussies and Cunts than you. You are just a tiny, weak little 20-year-old Pussy. But I am a robust 25-year-old Cock, and I will outmatch you without any effort at all. Everybody fears me and respects me. Whenever I pass by, they stand up and respect me and salute me. When the other Pussies see me, they are very scared and afraid and they try to escape from me because they know that I will overpower them, and they know that they are no match for me. I challenge you to a fucking duel. Accept my challenge if you dare and enter into the ring for a fucking match with me. The world will see how I defeat you. Then I will not spare you even if you beg me to. Do you have no answer to my dares, you bitch? Answer me if you dare, Ha, Ha, Ha.”
Pussy: “All this while, I have been ignoring your boasting and blabbering, as I always used to treat you with kid gloves, because I dismissed you as a naughty little child. But now, as you have challenged me to a fucking duel, I see that you have gone too far. So, I have decided to teach you such a severe lesson that you will never forget throughout your entire pathetic life. I will give you such a beating that neither you nor any other Cock will ever even dream of challenging me, or any other Pussy, for fear of being utterly humiliated.”
“You are just a little child, you brute; your milk teeth have not even fallen yet. And yet, here you are, trying to challenge me to a fucking duel. Your big fat and huge body is just a sham, as I can reduce your big body into a bloody pulp within a few seconds. The rippling muscles on your body are nothing but a joke, as I can melt those useless muscles into a quivering mass of jelly, and you will not be able to do anything about it.”
“You can go along and show your big, brute, strong body to your other Cock-mates for they may get impressed by it. But you cannot intimidate me or any other Pussy with that useless body of yours, for you also know as well as I do, that I can easily overpower you in just under a minute. I have so much heat inside of me that within seconds your so-called ‘strong’ body will melt like a wax candle.”
“I may look small and tiny in appearance compared to you, but you seem to be ignorant of the fact that although small, I have very powerful internal Pussy muscles, which can grind your body to dust. My cuntal muscles are so powerful that whoever enters inside of me gets completely overwhelmed. You, kid, are much too young to know about these facts.”
“I fear no Cock, and I fight all my battles alone, but you, on the other hand, need your two useless soldiers hanging below you to help you in the fight. Yet you will never be able to defeat me.”
“If you consider yourself to be the king of ‘Cock-land,’ then let me remind you that I too am the supreme Queen of ‘Pussyland,’ and I will not be intimidated by you. I am not afraid of you at all.”
“If you want to remain as a king, then take my advice and remain within your territory. I’m warning you never to even think of trying to venture into my territory; because if you ever commit the grave mistake of entering into my territory, I will capture you and your kingdom, and I will make you my toilet slave.”
“You say that everybody respects you and salutes you, but that’s a joke. Nobody respects you and nobody salutes you. On the contrary, all you Cocks salute us, Pussies.”
“Just as an employee stands up and salutes his boss, so also, you are saluting me even right now. See, even now you are standing up and saluting me, whereas I’m sitting, just like your Queen and Boss.”
“You will never be able to fight me all alone because it is beyond you to fight me all alone. So I suggest you go and bring some 10-12 more of your useless Cock friends to help you fight against me, and I assure you that all of you combined will still not be able to defeat me. I will defeat all of you Cocks.””Get this into that big fat, ugly, useless head of yours, you idiot, that you and every other cock in the world have taken birth from inside the pussy and that, you have come into the world through the pussy. The pussy has given birth to all you cocks.
So by that logic, all pussies are naturally far greater and stronger than you cocks. This is a fact, which you will never acknowledge’.
“Know this, oh stupid, foolish, and idiotic cock, that if a pussy has the power to give you birth, then she also has the power to control your fate. The fact that she is not crushing you is only because she is having pity and sympathy for you, and that’s why she’s allowing you to exist. If she wishes, she can overpower you within no time.
Oh foolish cock, know this, that all you cocks are born to serve us, pussies. You have been created to worship us and to serve us. You have to keep us happy and please us. You are to obey all our orders and commands and duly carry them out. You are made for our pleasure.
Just as a little girl keys up to her toys and plays with them, and then, when she’s bored and tired with them, she tosses them aside; so also, we pussies key you up like a toy and play with you as long as we wish, and then we discard you when we are satisfied. Sadly, many a time, you are not able to satisfy us at all. Shame on you.
I have seen such cocks that boast of their strength and power, but when they get into a fucking match, they lose very badly. They’re humiliated by the pussy. They are not even able to fight properly. Many of them drop their weapon (sperm) and surrender before us, even before they enter our cave. When they see the blazing heat of our cave, they get terrified and try to escape. I call them eunuchs. I think you also fall into this category, and so I’ll call you also a eunuch. I have given you a new name. From today, I will call you a eunuch.
Understand this, you stupid, idiotic eunuch, that no matter how big or strong or thick a cock might be, he will never be able to defeat a small pussy like me because you simply don’t have the strength and stamina to last that long in a fucking match. Whereas I am so powerful that I can defeat you easily because I have much more strength and stamina than you. I’m sure you are not aware of that, or else you wouldn’t have dared to challenge me at all.
Cocks like you prostrate at my feet and worship Me as their queen and empress. They are happy and ever willing to please me in every way possible. They are always yearning to taste and drink my sweet nectar, flowing from out of my mouth. My warm sweet piss is sweeter than honey to them. It gives them strength and nourishment. So they beg me to give them My piss, which is sweeter than honey to them. But to an idiot like you, I will not give you even that. You are not worthy of even drinking My piss.
So if you value yourself, you worthless worm, then run away and escape from my clutches while you still have the chance. Go and hide behind your two worthless balls. Because if you choose to fight me, you will regret it.
Even now, as I’m berating you, I can see that you have already started getting scared, as I can see that there is a tear of fear in your one eye, and you are dripping your pre-cum juice onto the floor. I can see that you are not ready for the fight. And even though I have warned you so much, you are still standing erect and twitching your body. I think I will have to teach you a lesson.
So come on, you little man, let’s get into the fucking arena and get on with the fight. But let me warn you, do not leave the fight halfway and try to run away, because I will not let you escape. I have a strong feeling that you will try to do that. So enough talk. C’mon, let’s fight.”
Hearing this very forceful and strong argument of the pussy, and also after hearing that she had humiliated him and called him ‘little man,’ the cock began to start losing confidence in himself. He felt as if he would not be able to face this pussy. He started developing ‘cold feet’ and began feeling nervous about himself. He was not sure he could get on with the fight now.
He felt as if he had already lost half of the battle. He was contemplating escaping from the field of fight, but he knew that if he fled now, he would be seen as a coward and a loser, and he would lose face among all his cock friends. He would not be able to hold his head high in society. His comrades—his balls—sensed his nervousness, saw his hesitation, and so they tried to dissuade him from entering the fight. They advised him to surrender to the pussy and retreat from the battle. But the cock was too proud to accept defeat or surrender—especially to the pussy, whom he had always looked down upon with contempt.
So he tried to mask his fear and chose to enter the fucking arena. But as soon as he approached the pussy, she opened her big, hot, and fiery mouth and swallowed him fully—right up to his balls—into her fiery volcanic cave, gripping him tightly and squeezing him from all sides. She began to overpower him, controlling his every movement.
As soon as the cock was sucked inside the pussy, he felt the blazing heat of her cave. The heat was too intense and unbearable to him, and he realized that if he stayed here any longer, he would be completely consumed by her strength. He now recognized her true power. He now understood just how strong and dominant this pussy was. She was a billion times stronger, a billion times more powerful than he had ever imagined.
He didn’t want to drop his weapon (semen) and surrender to her, but his whole body was burning from her intense heat. He felt as if his body would melt like wax under her power. He dropped his weapon (semen) immediately, hoping to somehow escape from her burning cave. After he had dropped his weapon, his body started becoming smaller and smaller in size. His once-huge form began to shrink. His great stature was being reduced to nothing. He saw that she had transformed his strong body into a quivering mass of jelly, just as she had warned she would. He twisted and turned, trying desperately to free himself from her powerful grip, but the more he struggled, the more he became ensnared in her trap.
He tried all sorts of ways to free himself, but he couldn’t do so. The mighty pussy had him in an unbreakable hold. She didn’t allow him to move at all. He didn’t want to beg the pussy to free him and let him go, because he was too proud to do so. And so, he kept trying as best as he could to find an escape route, but alas, he couldn’t find any way out of her burning cave.
Finally, it dawned on him that there was no way out. He realized that he would be trapped unless he begged and pleaded for his release. Only she could grant him his freedom now, only she could decide whether to let him go. And so, writhing and overwhelmed, he said to the pussy…
Cock: “Aaaahhhh! Oh, strong and mighty Pusssssy, pplleeaasee release your hold on my neck and let me speeeak.”
Pussy: “So you wish to speak now, hah? Speak now, you worm!”
She released her stranglehold around his neck just a little bit—not enough for him to try and escape, but just enough so that he could speak.
Cock: “I beg of you, please release me from this burning inferno of your cave, or else, I will be completely consumed in here. I do not want to suffer any longer. Please, please, oh mighty Pussy, have pity and mercy on me and let me go. I surrender to you completely. I’m also surrendering my whole kingdom of ‘Cock-land’ to you. You have defeated me completely and comprehensively.”
“I have now realized how very strong you really are. You are a million times—no, you are a billion times stronger than me. Never in my wildest dreams had I thought that you would be so much more powerful than me, or else, I would never have even dreamt of challenging you. Seeing your tiny size, I thought that I would be able to defeat you easily. But I was so wrong. Although you may look tiny, you have the strongest and most powerful cuntal muscles. Your muscles are so strong that it is impossible for any cock to free himself from their clutches.”
“Look, oh mighty Pussy, I have dropped all my weapons (semen) and I am lying crushed at your feet. Please forgive me and let me go. I was the greatest fool, and I was the greatest idiot, to think that I would be able to defeat you and win the fucking battle. But now I have realized that no cock in this world—however big, thick, long, or strong he may be—will ever be able to fight and win against even the smallest of pussies. You have opened my eyes and taught me a lesson that I will never forget. And that lesson is to never challenge a pussy at any time. My great Mistress, I will become your toilet slave forever. I and my two guards will become your slaves forever, and we will worship you as our Goddess and Queen forever. And so now, my great Queen, I beg of you—please, please, please have mercy on me and let me go.”
Pussy: “Ha! Ha! Ha! So now, you want to surrender yourself to me, and you want me to release you? Where is all the boldness and bravery with which you said you would defeat me? Where has all that macho behavior gone? You said that you would overpower me completely. Where has all that useless talk gone, hah?”
“There is no way I’m going to release you or let you go. You say that you have dropped your weapon (semen) and surrendered to me, but the truth is that you haven’t dropped it willingly by yourself. It is I who have forcibly compelled you to drop your weapon. All you cocks think that just because you have a huge, strong, rippling body, you will be able to defeat a pussy. But you fools don’t realize that a pussy is a zillion times stronger than all you cocks combined. Now, you have realized your foolishness, and you have realized that you are no match for a pussy. And now, you’re asking for forgiveness. But I am not going to let you off so easily. You and all your other useless cock brothers need to be taught a lesson, and I will make sure you never forget it. Start praying, little man.”
Saying this, the almighty Pussy compressed her powerful muscles around his neck once again, holding him tightly within her grasp. When the balls saw that their master was completely at her mercy, they wanted to save him, and so they pleaded with the Pussy to spare him. They said…
Balls: “O most powerful Pussy, O great and mighty Queen, we beg and implore You to please spare the dignity of our master. He foolishly dared to challenge you to a fight. We had warned him not to be so reckless as to challenge you. We told him that he was no match for your great strength and powerful muscles. We warned him that you would defeat him easily, within no time at all. But he was too proud, and his ego was too great.”
“He told us not to worry, saying he would easily defeat you since you were so small in size. He said that his body was so huge, strong, and muscular that, just by looking at him, you would get scared and run away from his presence. We warned him not to be fooled by appearances. We warned him that, even though you were small in size, you were far too powerful for him and that you would easily overpower him.”
“But he didn’t heed our advice and warnings, and so, he foolishly and stubbornly challenged you to a fight. He was a fool to have done so. And now that you have defeated him completely and comprehensively, he has no way of escaping your grasp. We beg you to have mercy on him and release him. Henceforth, he, and we too, will become your loyal subjects forever. We will serve you, obey you, and worship you as our conqueress, our great Queen, and our Mistress. Please, please forgive him.”
Upon hearing the fervent pleas of his balls, the Pussy said to the cock:
Pussy: “Do you hear that, you pathetic worm? See how your own two balls—your supposed soldiers—are pleading with me and begging for your release. As of now, they are not your servants anymore. They, along with you, belong to me, and I can do just about anything I please with you all. I could choose to keep you trapped here forever. But just because of your balls, your devoted guards who are pleading on your behalf, I will let you go. However, not before I squeeze out every last drop of your weapon—your semen—from your pathetic body. I’m releasing you this time. I’m allowing you to go free, but understand this: this is the last time I will spare you. The next time you try to challenge me, you will face the full extent of my power, and there will be no escape. Do you hear me, you pathetic worm?”
Cock: “Ye…sss… Ye…ss… Your Majesty, my great Queen. Tha…nk You, tha…nk You, my great Queen and conqueress.”
Pussy: “I’m releasing you so that you can go and tell the tale of your miserable defeat to all your pathetic cock friends. Warn them never to challenge any pussy in their entire life. Or else, they will suffer the same humiliation. We pussies, though small in size, are stronger than all of you combined. Even in your wildest dreams, you cocks will never be able to defeat a pussy.”
Saying this, the Pussy squeezed the last drop of the cock’s semen and flung his exhausted body out of her burning cave. The balls carried their master on their shoulders and took him to the hospital for treatment. And all the while, the cock and the balls were singing praises of their mighty, powerful Queen. They sang:
“All Hail the Great Pussy.
The Pussy is Greater than the Cock.
The Pussy is Mightier than the Cock.
The Pussy is Stronger than the Cock.
The Pussy has utterly defeated the Cock.
The Pussy rules over the Cock.
The Cock was, is, and forever will be the lifelong servant of the Mighty Pussy.
All Praise, Honor, and Glory be to the Great, Mighty, Powerful, and Supreme Pussy.”