How I Improved My Oral Skills: You Can Do It Too!

As a male accepting their inferiority to Females, one should expect certain obligations that come with that territory. Whether you are serving just one Superior Female that you are completely bound and dedicated to, or just know that the role of the male should be to know how to serve and satisfy a Female when called upon to do so, I believe the single most important thing to know is how to service and please Her orally, while at the same time expecting no reciprocation on Her part. (If she chooses to do so, you have to realize that it should and will be entirely on Her terms, and she is doing it for Her benefit, not yours.)
With that in mind, I would like to provide the inferior male readers here with four tips on how to improve your oral skills. With a name like “pussy slave”, one might expect that I am some kind of master when it comes to eating pussy. Sadly, that is not the case, and I truly wish that it was. However, I have come a long way and hope that my journey can help you along yours to keeping your Woman pleasured in the way She deserves.
How I Got Here
The regulars here are aware of my story, but I doubt beyond a half-dozen or so people that I have any kind of following or “fan club” of any kind, so a little information is in order. Before I met my Wife and eventual Goddess, I was what I would consider very sexually selfish, never servicing a female orally, 100% of oral receiving in my direction. That continued for a time even after getting married. Eventually, my Wife tired of this arrangement, and after a work-related contest to prove who was better at their job where I was overwhelmingly crushed (after numerous rule changes in Her favour), She earned the right to fully control my orgasms, cease providing orally pleasuring me, literally being owned by Her Pussy, and being expected to service the Pussy that owned me on demand.
I was starting from absolutely ground zero from a practical standpoint, but I wasn’t exactly a complete sexual beginner either, so I at least had that going for me.
Why four tips?
Well, originally I had three which I thought were pretty good, but then realized that there was definitely a fourth, and strangely, possibly the most important one. It’s surprising that it was the last one I thought of if it’s the most important, but perhaps you’ll understand by the time we get there.
With that in mind… let’s begin.
Tip #1 – The Clitoris is the most sensitive and important part to pleasure, but that doesn’t mean putting all your attention there.
OK, so, even the most basic guy knows the importance of the clitoris. So when starting down my Pussy Serving path, that’s the part I focused on. And I didn’t exactly have any complaints about it. It was enough to make my Wife orgasm, and that’s the most important thing to achieve, right?
Well, not so fast, my friend.
After doing it this way for so long without complaint and figuring I was doing what needed to be done, She told me that there’s more to pussy eating than just working over the Clit the entire time. She compared it to what it would be like if every time a woman went down on a guy, she just spent the entire time licking and sucking the head of his cock. (“Hmmm…” I said to myself, that’s a good point. Back when I was receiving oral pleasure, I enjoyed watching a woman take the entirety of my cock, or licking and sucking my balls, especially with some energy and pain tolerance in the process.)
With this new information in mind, I began exploring her other sensitive Feminine areas, and not even necessarily the genital areas. There are the inner thighs that can use some attention, the (hopefully hairless) mons pubis, the areas just around the Pussy lips, definitely those Pussy lips themselves, and all around the inside pink area without going to the Clit. And change things up from time to time. Maybe start on the clit and then tease the other areas before returning to the Clit. Or, start teasing, and then back to the Clit. Be creative!
Tip #2 – Listen to Her.
Most Women will tell you what they like. Even if it’s not verbal (although in my case, eventually, it was), Women will let you know what they like and dislike by their body language. Learn to read it. One thing a lot of Women find frustrating when performing oral sex on a guy is that he doesn’t give any verbal or physical cues and they’re not sure if the guy is enjoying it or not. (For the record, any time a lovely Female wanted to pleasure me orally, being non-responsive was not one of my shortcomings.) And if you’ve had the honour of orally servicing numerous Women in the past, learn what your current one is enjoying via this tip as they’re not all the same. Some are too sensitive “down there” while others can handle an almost abusive amount. (One Woman I was seeing years before my Goddess loved to have her nipples bitten to the point that I was scared that I was going to bite it completely off!) The clitoris is super sensitive (twice as many nerve endings concentrated in that tiny little area compared to the head of a penis), but that doesn’t mean you can’t bite it, suck it good and hard, or even give it a series of good flicks or even spanking it. Learn what She likes and serve Her as you recognize Her needs and what She responds to. She will let you know what She likes and what She doesn’t.
Tip #3 – Continued Education
Much like in your (likely) career, you are always best served with continuing to educate yourself. You can always learn new and beneficial things, and it keeps you from becoming obsolete. Hopefully, the Female you serve doesn’t find you obsolete and continued education probably won’t help you in that regard with Her (therefore not exactly a perfect analogy, but you surely get the point), learning more is better. Hopefully, if you’re just starting out, you are finding this list worthwhile.
Another good starting point is reading some books on the subject. The one I found best is She Comes First, which according to Amazon, I purchased almost immediately after our FLR was signed.
Another good one was The Best Oral Sex Ever – His Guide to Going Down. which I bought about 2 weeks later.
The Woman you serve probably knows Her body pretty well, but you might even discover something that even She didn’t know about.
Tip #4 – Mental State
Yes, I kept that entirely vague so that people who read the intro didn’t just skip ahead.
Back in my younger days, I used to work out and work out pretty hard. Truth be told, that’s probably what caught my future Wife’s eye in the beginning. I was hot back then and I’m not ashamed to admit it. But when I first started working out, like a lot of guys, I didn’t like to train legs. Sure, training legs is probably the most beneficial body part that you can train for a myriad of reasons, but a lot of guys don’t like to do them because it’s hard! It taxes your entire body, it leaves you exhausted if you did it right, and you can expect a few days of soreness unlike any of the other body parts. And like a lot of guys, I found reasons not to do them.
I overcome this via two things. First, I no longer had a strict day to do them. Monday was no longer “leg day”, it was always my third workout. So, if I missed leg day one day, it was the next day, if not then, then the one after that. It was going to be my next workout no matter how many days I missed, and the more I missed, the more it was going to hurt when I got to them.
The second one is the big one (and tip #4), learn to love it! I trained my brain to love working legs. When I was squatting, I was no longer thinking “I just need to get this over with”, I was now thinking, “I fucking love this! Look at me! Look at the power of my fucking legs! I can squat more than almost anyone in this gym!” And with that mindset, I improved.
Take that mindset to eating Pussy and being the best man you can be by properly serving and servicing your Woman and Her Pussy. Watch her cues, see what she likes, see what she reacts to. Be proud of what you’re doing to Her, helping Her to get off, focusing all your energy on making Her Pussy cum for you, make Her Scream, make Her understand how much you love pleasuring Her and there’s nothing you’d rather do.
When you’re not eating Her Pussy, show her how much you want to by literally begging Her for the privilege of doing it. Believe me, She’ll likely be halfway to cumming just hearing you sincerely beg to do it.
And those are my tips and what has worked for me. I hope they help you going forward.
Thank you for continuing to share your journey with our readers. This is great info that every sub should consider in their quest to achieve excellence in oral service.
I’m pleased that you liked the article. I hope you found it both entertaining as well as informative for the readers of the site (apologies for my delay in responding).
Great article ps – thanks for sharing. And the continuing education step is important – we can always be improving!
“Listen to her”
Very Wise Words Indeed.
Agreed!!! (And obviously not just on this subject.)
Very cool – good job stepping up your game and really getting in there! I have always enjoyed it, so me begging to go down on her is pretty much a given!
Would you like someone to practice on?
I would take you up on the offer if I wasn’t already claimed.
It’s a shame to think of the number of girls and their friends who, had they only known, could have so easily used me for their gratification, and helped me learn so much sooner how much I’d have enjoyed it.
A great article pussy slave you have surely hit the nail on the head many good points to learn from especially the 4th tip. We must really learn to love what we’re doing. Only then can we be successful in bringing satisfaction to Her. Thanks for the tips. Would surely like to follow them