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Interview: 10 Questions for a Dominatrix – Mizz Geena

Interview: 10 Questions for a Dominatrix – Mizz Geena

I caught up with our own Mizz Geena by phone to ask her 10 Questions for a Dominatrix. It was the first time I’d had an opportunity to speak with her, and I enjoyed our conversation very much.

In addition to being a contributor here at FemdomU Magazine, Mizz Geena is also a professional Dominatrix. She describes her blend as Gentle Therapeutic Femdom with a Sting! I asked her more about that, and I think I may have agreed to a session with her!

Mizz Geena has a full book of clients and is only considering a waiting list now. So I also found out how interested subs can be put on that list.

Mizz Geena is also involved in a passion project,, where she shares original stories and artwork, all based on her experiences in college as a campus dominatrix.

I hope you enjoy my interview with Mizz Geena. 

Note: Some content has been edited for clarity. All artwork on this page was originally posted on her erotic femdom stories website.

Mizz Geena, thank you for taking the time to talk with me today. The first question is about your name or how I should address you. Is it Mizz Geena or Mistress Geena?

Hi Shawn, thanks for talking with me! That’s a great question, and it depends on who you are and what you mean to me. Mizz Geena is my formal name, so I use it on this website for publishing articles. It is how I expect anyone to address me until I permit them otherwise.

Once I have established a relationship with a sub, I’ll usually permit him to address me as Mistress Geena; the name most people who know me will use.

A select few subs earn the privilege to call me Goddess. This reward comes when there is a specific elevation in our relationship. Perhaps he’s shown particular devotion over time, or we’ve reached a breakthrough in his therapy.

Even fewer, like less than a handful in my life, have earned the privilege to use a unique name. Those are private; I won’t share them with anyone else.

You described your style as "Gentle Therapeutic Femdom with a Sting." Can you tell me what that means?

Gentle-femdom generally refers to a style of female domination where we don’t use harsh words, are not cruel, and don’t tend to “break” a submissive. But, of course, as with anything, there are many variations. The needle doesn’t just point to one spot on a dial.

The spectrum of Gentle Femdom can run the gambit. Anything from FLR or female-led relationships, where she is the one who instigates and controls sexual interactions, to more complex situations that could involve whips and chains!

I consider my style gentle because I won’t yell or verbally abuse a submissive. Instead, I tend to use kind words, sweet names, and my soft voice, even if I’m in the middle of whipping his ass until he cries.

I mention my style is Gentle Femdom “with a Sting” because I do like to inflict pain. I think it is a sexy and fun way to exert dominance, and many of my submissives crave or even need that sting. For many, it becomes a way of releasing stress, and others discover a new level of freedom by fully submitting to it.

As for the “therapeutic” piece, I believe that I can do much more than break a man down or even give him that single sexual submission experience. Don’t get me wrong, sexual submission is a crucial and necessary aspect, but I tend to go beyond that.

Many of my clients come to me needing self-improvement. Through my combination of discipline and reward, I can empower them to make those positive life changes. For example, I’ve helped men learn how to respect women and break out of traditional misogynistic norms taught to them as children.

I’ve also helped clients improve their physical well-being through better life choices. My clients have been able to stop smoking, increase physical exercise, improve their mental health, and more, all through my sessions. I’ve also helped men make improvements in their relationships and careers.

I choose the submissives I work with based on their desire to be dominated to improve themselves and not just for sexual gratification. As a result, I’ve helped many clients move on from using my services when we’ve accomplished their goals.

This model is not for everyone and isn’t what all men want. Gentle femdom goes beyond the rough stuff you see in a lot of porn. I’m also much more interested in ongoing relationships over one-time sexual encounters – although I’ve enjoyed my fair share of those too!

Are you taking on new clients? And a follow-up to that, what would it take for a submissive like me to get a session with you?

Well, Shawn, I’d be excited to have you in my playroom as soon as you’re ready. First, I’d have you strip and get in place on my spanking bench. Then, I’ll tie you down and go at you with some light to hard spanking. After that, I’ll bring out the paddles and floggers. I’d also like to fuck that cute ass – do you think you can handle me? Honestly, we’d have a lot of fun, and I wouldn’t even charge you for it!

The truth is I’m so busy right now that I’m currently building up a waiting list for potential clients to be considered for training. I put a lot into my clients; this isn’t a pay-for-sex thing. I take time to understand them, their needs, and their desires. There’s a level of life coaching involved – I believe that my style of femdom guidance can help men succeed in all areas of their lives while satisfying their basic needs to be dominated.

Of course, during that evaluation period, I like to see what type of submissive I’d be working with. Does he know how to respect a woman? Are they able to express what they are looking for, and in particular, willing to admit their shortcomings and things they want to improve? I recently went through about 80 applicants on my waiting list, and after some follow-up emails, I’m down to under five who have advanced to be potential clients.

(See more at the end on how to add your name to Mizz Geena’s Waiting List)

When did you realize you were a dominatrix?

Well, I think I almost always knew it. I can think back to times in childhood when I would tell boys what to do, and they listened. Then, as I got older and started being sexually interested in guys, I gravitated toward the ones who would let me be in control.

My first real sexual domination experience happened with a guy I dated in my junior year. His parents were away for the weekend, and we had planned to hang out together and fuck the whole time. Things got kinky quickly, and I tied him spread-eagled to his parent’s four-poster bed.

I was awakened at that moment. I sat on his face while he eagerly tried to satisfy me. For fun, I kept slapping his hard cock. I realized that treatment was making him even hornier, so I just got crazier and crazier with my treatment.

The boy was a mess by the end of that weekend. I felt bad because he had bruises and welts, but he didn’t care. I guess he got some strange questions in the gym showers that Monday, though!

How did you start earning a living by being a dominatrix?

I continued having these types of sexual experiences with men through college. However, most of my professional career was working in kitchens. In fact, for a short couple of years, I even owned a restaurant!

During those years, my experiences as a dominatrix were strictly personal, although I did have a chef working for me who was my submissive.

Often, I struggled to find a man who would accept a dominant woman. But I dated a lot. Many men found themselves tied up, even if they didn’t like it. They at least got that one sexy BDSM experience that they can replay in their heads repeatedly for the rest of their lives.

Eventually, after all that practice, I accidentally fell into making money as a dominatrix. I was on a date with a guy, and we were back at his place. I brought some supplies, and before he knew it, I had him gagged, blindfolded, naked, and tied to an armchair.

Then, his roommate came home unexpectedly. This guy looked at the scene before him and immediately asked me if he could book a session. My first thought was to be offended, and I told him what I thought was an outrageous hourly rate for my time. But, it turns out, he was a trust-fund baby, and money wasn’t much of a concern. He pulled out the bills and offered them to me.

I took his cash, ordered him to strip, and then worked on both guys. It was an exciting date!

That's a good transition to my next question - as a Dominatrix, what's the largest group of guys you've sexually dominated at once?

Ha, Shawn, I know why you asked me that. I wrote to you about the inspiration behind one of our stories, “The Boys Get in Trouble.” It’s about when I got home to my apartment to find my boyfriend and a couple of his friends stoned as hell. I end up dominating all three of them.  

 Yes, this happened – only it was my boyfriend and four of his friends – 5 guys. They were stoned – in fact, they were tripping balls. I had so much fun making them do whatever I wanted. As I recall, a couple of them passed out pretty early, but we spent a good two or three hours in that session.

 In hindsight, it may have been taking advantage of them as they were not in control. Of course, I was a lot younger then, but damn that was a shitload of fun!  

Let's talk more about your passion project. Are the stories on GeenaLovesMike about you? And is Mike real?

Yes, and no. The stories, the characters, and the artwork are all based on my experiences in college. That was a time of awakening and discovering my true calling. I had lots of guys to practice on, and I learned how to dominate men.

At the core of the stories are two characters, Geena and Mike. She’s a sophomore; he’s a freshman at a State University. And they are exploring a female-dominated relationship. So, she has a lot of fun bringing out his submissive side and giving him many first-time experiences.

Then there are other characters – we find out that there is a Sorority house that teaches its members how to be dominant women. There’s a fraternity that is full of submissive men. Essentially, there is a whole culture of femdom rule on campus, even extending to the professors and administration.

We’ve gathered talented people to help write the stories and create original artwork. There’s so much femdom artwork on the site now. We haven’t even written stories for everything yet. It is a lot of fun to create, and I hope fun for our visitors too.

Yes, Mike is real, but that’s not his real name (for our purposes here, though, we’ll continue to call him Mike). Mike was a boyfriend of mine in college, and over the years, we dated off and on. Each time, our relationship evolved further. Today, he’s my full-time submissive and my husband.

Our lives are very private unless we choose to share them with others. Our family and friends, for the most part, do not know about this part of our lives; they know that we have a happy and successful marriage.

Mike is the one who created and now operates the website. He did it as a tribute to me and to share some of our experiences in a fun format. Even things that maybe happened separately to one or the other, here we have created a fictional universe with an alternate history!

I understand your relationship with your husband, Mike, is private. How does he feel about you being with other men?

Oh, it turns him on (laughing hysterically). He doesn’t want it to, but it does. So I’ll say we’ve had some issues, but we’ve worked through them. Mostly, he understands it’s what I do for a living, and I provide a valuable service.

I don’t tell him anything to break the confidentiality of my clients. However, there are some situations where he’s able to be involved. I’ll say those are some pretty special sessions, and leave it at that.

Fair enough. So what about gender - do you only see men?

Oh no, I love playing with all types of people. However, I find that, for the most part, it is men who are attracted to me and my style of domination.

In the stories, there’s a character named Makayla. She is based on a real person I dated back in high school. She was the first girl I had any experience with, and I’ve never had any serious long-term relationships with women since.

There’s also an older woman in the stories, a professional dominatrix, who sort of takes my character under her wing, teaching her about dominating men. Jazmin is based on a real friend from college when I was a freshman. She was a senior, and I learned so damn much from her. I had my very first experience using a strap-on with her and her boyfriend.

She had me practice on him, and I still remember that tight little ass of his as I filled it with this crazy bright-pink dildo she had me using.

Girls, if you’ve never put on a strap-on, let me tell you – try it now. It is so empowering to fuck a guy, to be the one making him scream out in ecstasy. Mmm, I haven’t dated a guy I haven’t been able to fuck in that way since that moment.

That sounds like a great story you should post on here sometime!

I agree; we’ll have to work on that sometime soon!

10 Your profile mentions you always keep at least one house slave - can you explain?

Oh yeah, I haven’t done housework in years! I am always on the lookout for my next houseboy. I’ll admit that I prefer them to be young and inexperienced. I have cute little outfits I like to have them wear when they are cleaning my home. Usually, this is one of my clients whose personal kink is doing tasks. I love finding things they didn’t clean well enough and administering punishments.

Right now, I have a 22-year-old who lives with us. I call him “Odie” after the dog in Garfield. It’s an inside joke.

Odie sleeps in an outbuilding on my property. We built it to house up to 4 guys in bunks. I rarely have more than one or two guys out there, though. That is unless Mike’s in trouble, and I’ve sent him to spend the night! (again, laughing)

Mizz Geena, thank you so much for answering our 10 Questions for a Dominatrix. As a final bonus question for our readers, could you tell me more about how to be added to the waiting list and what to expect?

Of course, and thank you for talking with me today, Shawn.

As I said, my plate is full these days with my current clients. So, we have a way to join my waiting list on my website. Enter your name and email, and tell me a little about yourself.

After that, my assistant will reach out with further instructions. Then, I have prospective submissives answer more questions and complete a series of tasks before seriously considering them. This process helps weed out all the guys who are lookey-loos!

I will then evaluate the ones who complete the preliminary steps. This process can take time, and the ones I move forward with will receive personalized instructions for their evaluations.

Anyone who wants to become one of my subs needs to be prepared to communicate and follow instructions. And please, don’t send me your dick pic until I order you to do so! (more laughing!)

I'd again like to thank Mizz Geena for visiting with me today.

I can’t wait to meet her in person someday. If her offer in answer 3 is sincere, I might be in for quite the experience!

NEXT: You can join Mizz Geena’s waiting list to be a prospective client, follow her on Twitter, or read the stories and view the artwork based on her experiences as a dominatrix in college.

Are you a Dominant Woman? Are you living in a female-led relationship? Do you professionally dominate men? We want to talk to you next – drop a note in the comments below or visit our contact page.

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About The Author


Shawn’s journey into the world of domination took an unexpected turn later in life. Married for over a decade, it wasn’t until he reached his forties that he discovered his submissive desires. Surprisingly, his wife revealed a long-standing wish for a more dominant role in their relationship, setting the stage for a transformative journey into a new dynamic. View Full Profile


  1. NORA

    Thank you, Mistress Geena, for being our first Dominatrix to be interviewed. Great insight on what it is like to be a professional dominatrix. Plus, we’re so happy to be involved in your passion project, I get so into the stories and art I find myself losing time when I’m on your site!

  2. Avatar

    Mizz Geena, I’ve joined your waiting list, and I just want to let you know how much I hope you choose me. I need your direction and dominance. I’ll do anything you ask, please just give me a chance and I’ll prove myself.`

    • Geena

      Thank you dear. Watch your email for more details soon.

  3. Avatar

    I hope to hear from you soon Mizz Geena. I promise you won’t be disappointed if you select me.

    • Geena

      Thank you sweetie. Make sure to keep an eye out for an email soon.

  4. Avatar

    lvoe your art want to draw for you how can i please?

  5. Avatar

    spank me pls i need it!


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