My Spitroasting

Oh, what a night! Oh, what a scene!
The wildest thing you’ve ever seen!
With wooshes and whooshes and oh-my-goshes,
With tangled-up limbs and slippery squashes!
I bounced, I flipped, I spun around,
I barely knew which way was down!
A push, a pull, a gasp, a yelp,
(Oh, mercy me, I needed help!)
They grinned, they laughed, they took their place,
With cheeky smirks upon each face.
“Hold on tight! Don’t wiggle free!
This ride is built for two—plus me!”
And up I went! And down I slid!
I never dreamed—oh no, I DID!
A twist, a turn, a joyful moan,
Like rolling dice or skipping stones!
And when at last, the game was through,
I wobbled off, my knees askew!
I tipped my hat, I waved goodbye,
Then whispered soft, “Let’s try next time!”
Love these jideas, Yvette! I have an hourglass we use often for one of my favorite games. Each boy has…