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Real FLR Interview Transcript: PS

Here is the full transcript of our interview with PS – the submissive husband in a real FLR (Female-Led Relationship). You can read the full transcript of the interview with his wife CM here, and read our feature article here.

Zeek: Hi PS, thank you for taking the time to answer my questions. It’s great that you’re willing to share your experiences. I love talking to other submissive men about these things.

PS: No problem. I actually enjoy coming clean about this stuff. I’d like to admit some of it to a few women, but it would upset Goddess, and besides, it’s usually women from my past, which complicates things. In this setting, it’s really no big deal, and I don’t have any problem with it.

The Evolution of Your FLR:

Zeek: CM mentioned that your Female-Led Relationship (FLR) started gradually and evolved over time. From your perspective, how did you feel as she started taking more control? Was it something you always hoped for, or did it catch you off guard?

PS: It definitely caught me by surprise, though in hindsight, I think it was something I wanted but never really understood. It’s not like I ever sat down with friends and talked about these kinds of things. But looking back, I can see signs of my submissive tendencies early on.

For example, I remember watching the old Batman reruns as a kid. I was too young to be truly aroused, but I’d get excited when Batman and Robin were tied up by Catwoman. I imagined being in their position, completely helpless at the hands of a woman. I used to play Batman with my babysitter’s daughter, where she would be Catwoman and pretend to tie me up. Obviously, we were kids, so it wasn’t sexual, but those thoughts stayed with me.

Later, in my teen years, I had a dream where two of my mom’s friends—who were about ten years older than me—came into my house. One of them ordered me to strip naked and bring them wine. In the dream, I obeyed without hesitation, even though I was shocked by my actions. I woke up stunned that I would do something like that, and though it didn’t make sense to me at the time, it does now.

Before CM, most of my relationships were typical, with me taking the lead. Even with CM, it was like that for a long time. I would encourage her to explore any dominant ideas she had, but it took years for her to really start taking control. Every time she did, though, I loved it—each piece of control I lost felt right.

Asking Permission:

Zeek: Recently, CM started requiring you to ask for permission more often. How has that change been for you? Does it feel like a natural progression, or has it taken some getting used to?

PS: It’s been an adjustment, but I think I brought it on myself. She didn’t seem overly comfortable with it at first. I remember when I had friends over while she was away, and I texted her for permission to go out with them. She liked that I asked and said she expects me to ask more often in the future. There aren’t any firm rules yet, but it’s clear that asking for permission is something she enjoys.

She’s been ordering all my meals at restaurants for a while now, too. She knows what I like, so it’s not like she orders anything I wouldn’t eat. But it’s a display of her control, and I have to ask before ordering anything else, like a second drink. The idea was actually mine and came from the movie “Fast Times at Ridgemont High”, where a “stud” gave someone the idea as a way to help be classy while also showing who is in charge.

Financial Control:

Zeek: CM now controls all your finances, and you no longer have your own spending money. How does that affect your independence or submission? Do you find it empowering to surrender control, or does it come with challenges?

PS: When we first met, I owned a small business and took care of everything myself. Eventually, when we got more serious, I let her handle our personal finances, which allowed me to focus more on the business. But things changed after we had a contest—one I’m not sure she’s mentioned to you—where we compared who was better at their job. Over time, she changed the rules to favor herself, and she won so decisively that we formalized our FLR. That’s when she had me draw up a contract that included stipulations like performing oral sex on demand and giving her full control over my orgasms and belongings.

At first, I kept control of my business finances, but after it closed and I started working regular jobs, she gained full control. When I received paper paychecks, I had to hand them over to her. Sometimes she’d just take them and deposit them, but other times, she’d make me strip, kneel, and hand them to her while she sat on the bed, having me worship her ass as she deposited the check.

I never expected my wife to control my life so completely, especially the money. But I find it incredibly sexy that this was one of her demands. It doesn’t make me feel empowered—quite the opposite—but that’s part of the appeal for both of us. It reinforces my submission to her.

It’s not without challenges, though. I don’t have spending money of my own. If there’s something I want, I have to send her a link, and most of the time, she’ll buy it for me. She’s not a tyrant about it, but it does make me feel more dependent on her.

The Title of “Pussy Slave”:

Zeek: CM calls you her “Pussy Slave.” What does that title mean to you, and how do you feel about your role being so closely tied to her sexual pleasure?

PS: That title came about after the competition we had. I used to be selfish in bed—I loved getting oral sex but almost never gave it. That wasn’t just with CM, but with every woman I was with. However, the idea of being forced to perform oral—like if I lost a bet—was always appealing to me. When CM won the competition, the terms were clear: I became her Pussy Slave, and my role was to serve her sexually on demand.

I love being her Pussy Slave. It makes me feel completely owned, especially since she limits my orgasms. It’s not just that I’m her slave—I’m her pussy’s slave. I belong to her pussy, and that’s a level of ownership that really excites both of us.

Servicing CM:

Zeek: You’re expected to ask CM if she needs to be serviced every morning and night. How do you feel about that?

PS: This is a relatively new development, and, I’ll admit, part of my idea. When I get horny, I come up with ways to increase her control over me. She recently decided that most of my oral servitude should happen with me between her legs, not beside her, because it lets her focus on her pleasure more. Since then, I’m required to check in every morning and night to see if she needs oral service.

There are also 177 specific days each year when I’m obligated to perform oral sex in the morning. It’s written down almost like a contract, and I have to check to be certain I’m marking the right days into my “to do” list so I don’t forget.

Improving Your Oral Skills:

Zeek: CM told me that you’ve gotten much better at oral over time. How confident are you in your skills now, and do you work on improving?

PS: I’d like to think I’m pretty good, but I’ve only really serviced Goddess, so I don’t have a lot of other experiences to compare to. I’ve learned what she likes through trial and error, and now I’m good at reading her body and knowing what she wants at the right times. The only time she gives me direction is when I’ve teased her too long, and she tells me to “get to the good stuff.”

For other submissive men, I’d say focus on the clit, but don’t neglect the rest. I used to only focus on her clit, but once I started licking elsewhere—her lips, teasing her pubic mound—she enjoyed it more. And don’t be afraid to apply pressure to the clit. Goddess likes it when I push down hard or even bite it lightly.

Humiliation and Spanking:

Zeek: CM mentioned that you love being humiliated, especially when it’s combined with spanking. How does that make you feel?

PS: I love it. I’m not sure how much she enjoys the humiliation aspect, but she definitely loves spanking, which has changed recently—minor indiscretions now add up as lashes to be given out weekly. The combination of humiliation and spanking reminds me of my place beneath her. I’m her Pussy Slave, meant to serve her on demand. Knowing that I signed a contract giving her the right to control everything, including punishment, makes it all the more powerful for me.

The Premature Ejaculation Incident:

Zeek: CM shared a funny but embarrassing story about you climaxing unexpectedly after a long period of denial. How did you feel in that moment, and has it made you more cautious?

PS: Yeah, that was embarrassing. CM had planned to deny me for a full year, and I made it six and a half months. I was eating her out, and I didn’t realize I was thrusting or moving in a way that made me cum. I jumped up to try and stop it, but I was too far gone. It wasn’t even a particularly good orgasm. I panicked because of the improper release, and I felt like I’d let CM down.

I’m more aware now, but I haven’t become overly cautious. We’ve talked about getting a chastity device to prevent something like that from happening again, but we haven’t found the right one yet.

Orgasm Control and Submission:

Zeek: CM limits your orgasms to keep you more attentive. What’s the longest stretch of time you’ve gone without release, and how does it affect your mindset and submission? Does orgasm control enhance your devotion to her?

PS: The longest I’ve gone is six and a half months. I didn’t even know at the time that CM was planning to deny me for a full year. It was tough, but it definitely heightened my submission and focus on her needs. The less I cum, the more I’m reminded that she owns my orgasms, and that reinforces my place beneath her.

When I go long periods without release, I stop expecting to cum. I’ve been trained not to ask for it, and if she asks if I want to cum, the correct answer is always “no.” I tell her I’d rather focus on her pleasure, and over time, that statement becomes more and more true. The longer I’m denied, the more submissive I feel, and it makes me more creative in finding ways to serve her better. It’s a win-win for both of us—her satisfaction increases, and my submission deepens.

Punishment and Safewords:

Zeek: CM mentioned that you recently suggested she shouldn’t let you ask for mercy during punishments. What was your thought process behind that, and what do you hope to gain by being pushed to your limit?

PS: Well, it’s punishment, right? If I deserve it, I feel like I should take it. I trust CM not to abuse me, so if she’s punishing me, I think she should be the one to decide when it’s enough. Asking for mercy feels like I’m undermining the point of the punishment. If I need a break, that’s one thing, but I shouldn’t be able to stop it just because I can’t handle it. I want her to have full control over when the punishment ends, as that reinforces my submission and reminds me not to repeat whatever behavior got me punished in the first place.

Pain Tolerance:

Zeek: CM said your pain tolerance is about a 5 out of 10. How do you see your own pain threshold, and do you push yourself to endure more pain for her satisfaction?

PS: Yeah, a 5 out of 10 is probably accurate. But I’m trying to push myself further for her. I know she likes to see my ass turn pink when she spanks me, and I’d like to build up enough tolerance to take it until it’s red. I want to endure more for her satisfaction because I know it pleases her.

The Future of Pegging:

Zeek: CM mentioned that pegging has been on her mind, and that you’ve accepted it might be part of your future. What are your thoughts on pegging, and how do you feel about her exploring it without consulting you?

PS: Pegging wasn’t something I ever thought about much, and for a long time, it wasn’t on CM’s radar either. But recently, she’s told me it’s something she wants to do, and that it’s inevitable. When she brings it up, it’s usually when I’ve been denied for a while and she’s getting me worked up. In those moments, I find myself telling her how much I’m looking forward to it.

I’ve even suggested that she keep me denied for a while before pegging me, then use pegging to make me cum. I can see it evolving to the point where I’m begging her to peg me as the only way I’m allowed to cum. If she decides to spring it on me when I’m bound and helpless, especially if I’m gagged, that would be even better. The idea of having no say in it makes it all the more exciting.

Chastity Devices:

Zeek: CM mentioned she’s considering a chastity device for you. How do you feel about being locked up, especially with the possibility of being teased and edged while caged?

PS: The idea of chastity has always been mine. Something about handing over that level of control is thrilling. We’ve tried a couple of devices in the past, but they didn’t work out—one slipped off, and the other was uncomfortable. I’ve found another one I’d like to try, but CM hasn’t decided on it yet.

I currently wear a ball stretcher as a constant reminder that my balls belong to her now. In a way, it has a similar effect to orgasm denial—the constant weight pulling on her balls makes them much more sensitive to her touch. When she plays with them while they’re restrained like that, it feels like a form of mockery or humiliation. It’s a reminder that something that once belonged to me is now entirely hers, locked up as a symbol of my submission. That vulnerability, combined with the likelihood that they’ll end up tenderized during her play, makes the experience even more of a turn-on.

I think the chastity device would take things to the next level. It’s frustrating, for sure, but the thought of being teased and edged while locked up is exciting. I can imagine her stimulating only her balls and making me cum without ever touching my cock. If we try it again, I’m sure she’ll make it worth the wait.

Public Displays of Dominance:

Zeek: CM has subtly exercised control over you in public, like ordering your meals. How do you feel when your dynamic is visible to others? Does it enhance the experience for you?

PS: I love it. The idea of her ordering for me or taking control in front of others is thrilling. We keep it mostly discreet, but when she does it, I can see the pride and satisfaction on her face. It makes me feel even more submissive, knowing that others may witness her dominance over me.

I’ve wanted her to take it further, especially in front of her female friends, but she won’t. I fantasize about her bragging to a friend that she controls everything, from my paychecks to my orgasms. In my fantasies, she orders me to strip in front of them as proof, or even offers me to service one of her friends. But I doubt that will ever happen outside of my imagination.

Jealousy and Other Partners:

Zeek: CM is allowed to have sexual activity with others, although she hasn’t acted on it. How do you feel about this clause in your FLR contract, and how would you handle it if she decided to bring another partner into the relationship?

PS: When we drafted the FLR contract, CM demanded that clause be included. She’s told me she has no intention of acting on it, but it’s there to reinforce how one-sided the contract is and to remind me of her dominance. If she ever did bring another man into the dynamic, I know she’d tell me about it beforehand, and it would hurt, but I’ve accepted that it’s her right.

As for bringing another woman into the relationship, I’d have no problem with that. If it ever happened, I’d likely be relegated to a spectator role, locked in chastity, for maximum humiliation. It’s a fantasy of mine, but I try not to dwell on it because the chances are slim.

The Age Gap:

Zeek: CM mentioned that you’re somewhat older than her. Does that add to the erotic nature of your dynamic?

PS: I don’t think about the age gap too much, but it is interesting that someone ten years younger than me has this level of control over me. Most people would expect the opposite, especially considering our public image. But privately, it’s the dynamic that works best for us.

The FLR Competition:

Zeek: I love the friendly competition that led to the FLR contract when CM beat you so convincingly. Have you ever thought about what would have happened if you had won instead? How do you think things would have turned out?

PS: If I had won, I think I’d enjoy it, but it wouldn’t be as satisfying as what we have now. Taking her paychecks and demanding oral service from her would definitely be appealing. When a woman gives me a blowjob and swallows, it’s the best feeling in the world, and I think CM knows that’s why she’s taken it away almost completely.

But in the end, I think I’m better off as her Pussy Slave. Being owned by her, having my orgasms limited, and focusing entirely on her pleasure—it’s what suits me best.

Final Thoughts:

Zeek: What do you hope to explore or deepen in your FLR going forward? Are there any fantasies or dynamics you haven’t tried yet that you’re curious about?

PS: I’m open to whatever CM wants to try. I don’t know what’s next, but I’m sure whatever it is will only deepen our dynamic. Some of my fantasies might stay just that—fantasies—but if CM ever wanted to explore them, I’d be more than willing.

Divine Bitches on

About The Author


As the Website Manager and Advertiser Relations Manager for FemdomU Magazine, Zeek is at the forefront of the online presence of one of the leading publications in the Femdom community. His expertise in website design and management, honed through his ownership of RareMoon, has positioned him as a trusted steward of the magazine’s digital realm. Additionally, Zeek’s role as the lead website designer for FemdomU Magazine ensures that every digital interaction reflects the essence of the publication’s ethos. View Full Profile


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