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FemdomU Forum: Your Letters

Spanking Her Young Neighbor

Dear FemdomU Forum,

I am writing to share with you a story that I never thought I would experience at my age of 58. As a single woman living alone in my small apartment, I never imagined that I would find myself in a situation where I would have to take matters into my own hands. But that is exactly what happened when I went to the next door apartment to complain about the loud noise and found a young man, half naked and stoned.

Let me set the scene for you. It was a Friday night and I had just settled in to watch my favorite TV show when I heard the pounding music coming from the neighboring apartment. At first, I tried to ignore it, hoping it would quiet down, but the noise only seemed to get louder. Frustrated by the disturbance, I decided to take action and wxent to the apartment door to confront the person responsible.

As I knocked on the door, I could hear the music blaring and voices shouting over it. When the door opened, I was met with a pungent smell of marijuana and the sight of a young man, who appeared to be in his early twenties, with his shirt unbuttoned and a joint hanging from his lips. I could feel my anger rising at his disrespectful behavior.

Before I could say anything, the young man slurred out an apology and tried to close the door on me. But I was not going to let him off the hook that easily. I pushed my way into the apartment and demanded that he turn off the music. To my surprise, he complied, but not without making a snide remark about my age and how I should mind my own business.

That was the last straw. I was not going to let this young delinquent get away with his rude behavior. I was determined to teach him a lesson and give him the punishment he deserved. Without hesitation, I marched up to him and grabbed him by the arm, leading him to the living room.

Once we were in the living room, I ordered him to strip down to his underwear. At first, he protested and tried to resist, but I was not backing down. With one swift tug, I pulled his shirt off and then unbuttoned his jeans, throwing them to the ground. The young man stood there in his boxers, looking embarrassed and vulnerable. But I was not done yet.

I pushed him towards the couch and sat down, pulling him over my lap. I could feel his body tense up as I positioned him to receive his punishment. I didn’t hold back as I began to rain down hard slaps on his bare buttocks. With every strike, I could see his skin turn a bright shade of red and heard his cries of pain.

But I was not going to let up. I was determined to teach this young man a lesson and make him regret his actions. I continued to spank him, alternating between quick and hard slaps and slow, lingering ones. I could see tears streaming down his face as he begged for mercy, but I was not going to let him off the hook that easily.

I wanted him to feel the full force of my anger and frustration. I picked up the pace and began to spank him faster and harder, not stopping until his cries turned into sobs. I could see the realization and remorse in his eyes as he finally understood the consequences of his actions.

As I continued to spank him, I could feel a sense of satisfaction and power wash over me. I was in control and this young man was at my mercy. And I was not going to stop until I was satisfied that he had learned his lesson.

After what felt like an eternity, I finally stopped and let the young man stand up. He was clutching his sore bottom and his face was red and teary. But he didn’t say a word as he quickly got dressed and slunk away, undoubtedly feeling embarrassed and humiliated.

As I reflected on the whole experience, I couldn’t help but feel a sense of empowerment and satisfaction. I had taken control of the situation and taught that young man a lesson he would never forget. I may have been 58 years old, but I showed him that age doesn’t determine strength and authority.

In the end, I never heard loud music or disruptive behavior coming from that apartment again. And while I may have taken extreme measures, I truly believe that the young man learned a valuable lesson. Sometimes, a little punishment is necessary to set someone on the right path.




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Divine Bitches on
Divine Bitches on

Boyfriend Punished In The Bathroom at a Party

Dear FemdomU Magazine,

My name is Adam, and I want to tell you about a significant experience I had with my girlfriend, Rachel. It was a night that taught me valuable lessons about boundaries and respect, and it still stands out in my mind.

The event occurred at a friend’s gathering. It was supposed to be a casual hangout, but things took an unexpected turn. As the night went on, I found myself flirting with another woman. It wasn’t anything serious, just a moment of misplaced confidence. Rachel noticed and her eyes filled with tension. She didn’t confront me there, but instead pulled me aside and led me towards the bathroom. I was clueless to the seriousness of the situation, thinking we were going to have some privacy away from the party crowd.

As soon as we entered the bathroom, Rachel’s demeanor shifted. There was a steeliness in her voice and an intensity in her gaze that I hadn’t seen before. She was clearly upset, but I assumed it was merely an emotional conversation we were about to have. Instead, she immediately started undoing my pants, and my heart raced with confusion and anticipation.

To my surprise, she didn’t lead me to any kind of intimate encounter. Instead, she pulled my pants down and bent me over the bathroom counter. The shock and realization of what was happening hit me hard. My immediate reaction was a mixture of embarrassment and panic. I tried to protest, but Rachel was firm and unyielding.

She began to spank me with a resolve I hadn’t experienced before. The spankings were harsh and unrelenting. They weren’t the playful smacks we had shared in the past; these were purposeful and severe. Each strike landed with a sharp sting that echoed through the small, enclosed space. I could feel my skin growing hotter and more sensitive with each swat. I tried desperately to stay quiet, knowing that the party was still going on just outside, and I didn’t want anyone to hear or see what was happening.

Despite my efforts, the sounds of my discomfort must have been clear enough. I was acutely aware of the flush spreading across my face, a mix of embarrassment and the physical pain from the relentless spanking. Rachel showed no signs of stopping until she was satisfied that I had received the punishment she deemed necessary. Her determination was evident, and each spank seemed to emphasize her disappointment in my actions.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, she stopped and allowed me to compose myself. My rear end was throbbing, and I could feel the heat radiating from the spanked skin. I struggled to pull my pants back up, my movements stiff and uncomfortable. Rachel’s expression softened slightly, but her resolve remained clear.

As I stepped back into the party, the contrast between my flushed, pained appearance and the casual, cheerful ambiance was stark. I was acutely aware of every step, trying to appear normal while dealing with the discomfort and the stinging reminder of my actions. The experience was both humbling and eye-opening. It reinforced the boundaries of our relationship and the consequences of not respecting them.

Rachel’s approach, though severe, was effective in conveying the seriousness of the situation. It was a potent reminder of the respect I needed to uphold and the boundaries I had crossed.

I hope this letter serves as a testament to the strength of our relationship and the lessons learned from that unforgettable night.



Ashley’s BBQ Femdom Surprise

Dear FemdomU Magazine, I’m Ashley, a 24-year-old single woman, and I wanted to share a particularly unforgettable experience I had at a BBQ hosted by my friend Marge and her husband, James. Marge and I met at work and quickly became friends despite the age difference—she’s in her thirties. One weekend, Marge invited me over to their place for a BBQ, mentioning that James would invite a single friend my age. She promised we’d all have a good time, enjoying the hot tub and each other’s company.

The evening started off well, but it soon became clear that James’ friend wasn’t showing up. I assured Marge it was fine, but she was visibly angry at James. Then, out of nowhere, Marge turned to me and asked if it was okay to punish James in front of me. I was dumbfounded and hesitantly answered, “okay.”

To my shock and arousal, James rose from his seat and stripped himself completely bare in front of us. His chiseled physique glistened with sweat and I couldn’t help but notice the dark mat of hair covering every inch of his skin. My heart raced as he handed a leather strap to Marge, who wasted no time in giving him a hard lash across his exposed backside. The sound of flesh meeting leather echoed through the room, stirring a primal desire within me. When Marge offered me a turn, I hesitated nervously before taking the strap in my trembling hand. But as she urged me to hit harder and harder, a surge of power coursed through me and I unleashed a series of brutal strikes on James’ vulnerable body. His screams mingled with my own moans of pleasure until Marge forcefully pulled me away.

Marge then declared that since James’ worthless friend was a no-show and I would have nobody to fuck (which, to be honest, I wasn’t even planning on), James would have to please me instead.

In a dizzying haze of exhilaration and disbelief, I untied my swimsuit and let it fall to the ground, sinking onto a plush lounge chair. James, his naked body radiating submission, knelt between my exposed legs. Marge stood nearby, her commanding presence looming over us both, her eyes firmly fixed on James as he eagerly awaited her instructions.

With trembling anticipation, I felt James’ tongue slowly explore every inch of my most sensitive areas. His skilled movements sent waves of pleasure surging through me, his rough beard adding an unexpected yet enticing element to his soft and intimate touch. My moans echoed around us as he continued to lick and suck, his enthusiasm never wavering in his eagerness to please. Occasionally, Marge’s authoritative voice could be heard barking orders at him, directing him to focus on my clit or urging him to go deeper. Her control over him only added to the intensity of the moment, heightening my arousal and increasing the intensity of our shared pleasure.

I Just Couldn't Wait To Fuck His Mouth HARD!

Sensation after sensation washed over me in a tidal surge, my fingers entwined in James’ hair, tugging him closer as he skillfully worked his tongue. The commanding presence of Marge, her overwhelming aura guiding and amplifying the experience, heightened my pleasure even further. And then it happened – a shattering climax that rippled through my entire being, my cries of ecstasy blending with the gentle whisper of the evening breeze.

In the aftermath, James continued to caress and worship me with soft kisses and delicate strokes of his hands. Marge’s smile held a knowing glint in her eyes as she gracefully led James away.

That evening left a lasting impression on me. I had never experienced anything like it before—the power dynamics, the control, the sheer raw pleasure. It was an unexpected but incredibly satisfying turn of events, one that I often think back on with a mixture of surprise and arousal.

Yours in excitement and discovery,



MORE of your Kinky Letters!

Spanking Her Young Neighbor

Dear FemdomU Forum,

I am writing to share with you a story that I never thought I would experience at my age of 58. As a single woman living alone in my small apartment, I never imagined that I would find myself in a situation where I would have to take matters into my own hands. But that is exactly what happened when I went to the next door apartment to complain about the loud noise and found a young man, half naked and stoned.

Let me set the scene for you. It was a Friday night and I had just settled in to watch my favorite TV show when I heard the pounding music coming from the neighboring apartment. At first, I tried to ignore it, hoping it would quiet down, but the noise only seemed to get louder. Frustrated by the disturbance, I decided to take action and wxent to the apartment door to confront the person responsible.

As I knocked on the door, I could hear the music blaring and voices shouting over it. When the door opened, I was met with a pungent smell of marijuana and the sight of a young man, who appeared to be in his early twenties, with his shirt unbuttoned and a joint hanging from his lips. I could feel my anger rising at his disrespectful behavior.

Before I could say anything, the young man slurred out an apology and tried to close the door on me. But I was not going to let him off the hook that easily. I pushed my way into the apartment and demanded that he turn off the music. To my surprise, he complied, but not without making a snide remark about my age and how I should mind my own business.

That was the last straw. I was not going to let this young delinquent get away with his rude behavior. I was determined to teach him a lesson and give him the punishment he deserved. Without hesitation, I marched up to him and grabbed him by the arm, leading him to the living room.

Once we were in the living room, I ordered him to strip down to his underwear. At first, he protested and tried to resist, but I was not backing down. With one swift tug, I pulled his shirt off and then unbuttoned his jeans, throwing them to the ground. The young man stood there in his boxers, looking embarrassed and vulnerable. But I was not done yet.

I pushed him towards the couch and sat down, pulling him over my lap. I could feel his body tense up as I positioned him to receive his punishment. I didn’t hold back as I began to rain down hard slaps on his bare buttocks. With every strike, I could see his skin turn a bright shade of red and heard his cries of pain.

But I was not going to let up. I was determined to teach this young man a lesson and make him regret his actions. I continued to spank him, alternating between quick and hard slaps and slow, lingering ones. I could see tears streaming down his face as he begged for mercy, but I was not going to let him off the hook that easily.

I wanted him to feel the full force of my anger and frustration. I picked up the pace and began to spank him faster and harder, not stopping until his cries turned into sobs. I could see the realization and remorse in his eyes as he finally understood the consequences of his actions.

As I continued to spank him, I could feel a sense of satisfaction and power wash over me. I was in control and this young man was at my mercy. And I was not going to stop until I was satisfied that he had learned his lesson.

After what felt like an eternity, I finally stopped and let the young man stand up. He was clutching his sore bottom and his face was red and teary. But he didn’t say a word as he quickly got dressed and slunk away, undoubtedly feeling embarrassed and humiliated.

As I reflected on the whole experience, I couldn’t help but feel a sense of empowerment and satisfaction. I had taken control of the situation and taught that young man a lesson he would never forget. I may have been 58 years old, but I showed him that age doesn’t determine strength and authority.

In the end, I never heard loud music or disruptive behavior coming from that apartment again. And while I may have taken extreme measures, I truly believe that the young man learned a valuable lesson. Sometimes, a little punishment is necessary to set someone on the right path.



Divine Bitches on

Boyfriend Punished In The Bathroom at a Party

Dear FemdomU Magazine,

My name is Adam, and I want to tell you about a significant experience I had with my girlfriend, Rachel. It was a night that taught me valuable lessons about boundaries and respect, and it still stands out in my mind.

The event occurred at a friend’s gathering. It was supposed to be a casual hangout, but things took an unexpected turn. As the night went on, I found myself flirting with another woman. It wasn’t anything serious, just a moment of misplaced confidence. Rachel noticed and her eyes filled with tension. She didn’t confront me there, but instead pulled me aside and led me towards the bathroom. I was clueless to the seriousness of the situation, thinking we were going to have some privacy away from the party crowd.

As soon as we entered the bathroom, Rachel’s demeanor shifted. There was a steeliness in her voice and an intensity in her gaze that I hadn’t seen before. She was clearly upset, but I assumed it was merely an emotional conversation we were about to have. Instead, she immediately started undoing my pants, and my heart raced with confusion and anticipation.

To my surprise, she didn’t lead me to any kind of intimate encounter. Instead, she pulled my pants down and bent me over the bathroom counter. The shock and realization of what was happening hit me hard. My immediate reaction was a mixture of embarrassment and panic. I tried to protest, but Rachel was firm and unyielding.

She began to spank me with a resolve I hadn’t experienced before. The spankings were harsh and unrelenting. They weren’t the playful smacks we had shared in the past; these were purposeful and severe. Each strike landed with a sharp sting that echoed through the small, enclosed space. I could feel my skin growing hotter and more sensitive with each swat. I tried desperately to stay quiet, knowing that the party was still going on just outside, and I didn’t want anyone to hear or see what was happening.

Despite my efforts, the sounds of my discomfort must have been clear enough. I was acutely aware of the flush spreading across my face, a mix of embarrassment and the physical pain from the relentless spanking. Rachel showed no signs of stopping until she was satisfied that I had received the punishment she deemed necessary. Her determination was evident, and each spank seemed to emphasize her disappointment in my actions.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, she stopped and allowed me to compose myself. My rear end was throbbing, and I could feel the heat radiating from the spanked skin. I struggled to pull my pants back up, my movements stiff and uncomfortable. Rachel’s expression softened slightly, but her resolve remained clear.

As I stepped back into the party, the contrast between my flushed, pained appearance and the casual, cheerful ambiance was stark. I was acutely aware of every step, trying to appear normal while dealing with the discomfort and the stinging reminder of my actions. The experience was both humbling and eye-opening. It reinforced the boundaries of our relationship and the consequences of not respecting them.

Rachel’s approach, though severe, was effective in conveying the seriousness of the situation. It was a potent reminder of the respect I needed to uphold and the boundaries I had crossed.

I hope this letter serves as a testament to the strength of our relationship and the lessons learned from that unforgettable night.



Divine Bitches on

Ashley’s BBQ Femdom Surprise

Dear FemdomU Magazine, I’m Ashley, a 24-year-old single woman, and I wanted to share a particularly unforgettable experience I had at a BBQ hosted by my friend Marge and her husband, James. Marge and I met at work and quickly became friends despite the age difference—she’s in her thirties. One weekend, Marge invited me over to their place for a BBQ, mentioning that James would invite a single friend my age. She promised we’d all have a good time, enjoying the hot tub and each other’s company.

The evening started off well, but it soon became clear that James’ friend wasn’t showing up. I assured Marge it was fine, but she was visibly angry at James. Then, out of nowhere, Marge turned to me and asked if it was okay to punish James in front of me. I was dumbfounded and hesitantly answered, “okay.”

To my shock and arousal, James rose from his seat and stripped himself completely bare in front of us. His chiseled physique glistened with sweat and I couldn’t help but notice the dark mat of hair covering every inch of his skin. My heart raced as he handed a leather strap to Marge, who wasted no time in giving him a hard lash across his exposed backside. The sound of flesh meeting leather echoed through the room, stirring a primal desire within me. When Marge offered me a turn, I hesitated nervously before taking the strap in my trembling hand. But as she urged me to hit harder and harder, a surge of power coursed through me and I unleashed a series of brutal strikes on James’ vulnerable body. His screams mingled with my own moans of pleasure until Marge forcefully pulled me away.

Marge then declared that since James’ worthless friend was a no-show and I would have nobody to fuck (which, to be honest, I wasn’t even planning on), James would have to please me instead.

In a dizzying haze of exhilaration and disbelief, I untied my swimsuit and let it fall to the ground, sinking onto a plush lounge chair. James, his naked body radiating submission, knelt between my exposed legs. Marge stood nearby, her commanding presence looming over us both, her eyes firmly fixed on James as he eagerly awaited her instructions.

With trembling anticipation, I felt James’ tongue slowly explore every inch of my most sensitive areas. His skilled movements sent waves of pleasure surging through me, his rough beard adding an unexpected yet enticing element to his soft and intimate touch. My moans echoed around us as he continued to lick and suck, his enthusiasm never wavering in his eagerness to please. Occasionally, Marge’s authoritative voice could be heard barking orders at him, directing him to focus on my clit or urging him to go deeper. Her control over him only added to the intensity of the moment, heightening my arousal and increasing the intensity of our shared pleasure.

I Just Couldn't Wait To Fuck His Mouth HARD!

Sensation after sensation washed over me in a tidal surge, my fingers entwined in James’ hair, tugging him closer as he skillfully worked his tongue. The commanding presence of Marge, her overwhelming aura guiding and amplifying the experience, heightened my pleasure even further. And then it happened – a shattering climax that rippled through my entire being, my cries of ecstasy blending with the gentle whisper of the evening breeze.

In the aftermath, James continued to caress and worship me with soft kisses and delicate strokes of his hands. Marge’s smile held a knowing glint in her eyes as she gracefully led James away.

That evening left a lasting impression on me. I had never experienced anything like it before—the power dynamics, the control, the sheer raw pleasure. It was an unexpected but incredibly satisfying turn of events, one that I often think back on with a mixture of surprise and arousal.

Yours in excitement and discovery,



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