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Whipped by Everyone: A Night of Pain, Pleasure, and Public Humiliation

My heart pounded in my chest, my back throbbing with pain, but I felt a surge of pride. I hadn’t used the safeword that would end it all.

Zeek, FemdomU sub

Dear FemdomU Forum:

This is an account of one of the challenges my wife, Annie, assigned me while she was away for work. As part of our dynamic, she often sets challenges to push my boundaries, and I’m sharing this as part of the “While My Mistress is Away” challenge series. What follows describes one night of a 9-day punishment challenge. If you enjoy this, you can explore more of this challenge or start the series from the beginning here.

The final punishment came on the last night of Annie’s trip, and it was one I’d been dreading and anticipating in equal measure. She had arranged for me to attend a dinner party at her friends Jeff and Katy’s house—a younger couple with a dynamic that always left me feeling a little out of place. Jeff, with his dominant presence, often took charge in their relationship, while Katy was more submissive, though she clearly enjoyed when the roles occasionally reversed. Also attending the dinner were Riley and Maddie, a lively lesbian couple who, from what I’d seen, didn’t have much experience with BDSM but seemed curious about it.

I wasn’t sure what was going to happen, though the memory of the last time I was here, with the same group, loomed large. That night, Annie had made me masturbate in front of them all, her voice commanding me through the phone while they watched and commented. So yeah, I had reason to be on edge.

Dinner passed with pleasant conversation, though I could feel the weight of what might be coming hanging over me. After we finished, Jeff’s phone rang. Annie’s face appeared on the screen, her voice calm but authoritative as always. “Well, I hope you’re ready, baby,” she said, the familiar excitement in her voice sending a shiver down my spine. “It’s time for your next punishment. Strip.”

I hesitated, my stomach twisting with nerves, but I obeyed, stripping off my clothes as everyone watched. My ass was still sore from the paddling I’d endured just a few days earlier, the bruises and redness drawing attention from the group as they eyed me with a mix of amusement and curiosity. Jeff stood, already knowing what was next. Annie had planned it all. “Cuff him to the St. Andrew’s Cross,” she instructed through the phone. “And then you’re all going to take turns using my bullwhip. I’m sure you’ll all enjoy it.”

Jeff led me to the large wooden cross he had set up in his living room, and without a word, he cuffed my wrists and ankles to the heavy frame. My heart raced as I stood there, naked and vulnerable, the cool air of the room hitting my skin as I felt the weight of their eyes on me.

Jeff was the first to step forward, his hand wrapping around the handle of the bullwhip with a practiced ease. He cracked it in the air, the sharp sound making me flinch before it even touched my skin. “Annie’s right,” he said with a grin. “It’ll be nice to have someone else to whip for a change. I usually have to go easy on Katy.”

Then came the first lash. The whip cut across my back with a sting that made my whole body tense. The pain was immediate and sharp, spreading through me like wildfire. Jeff was experienced, far more than I’d anticipated, and he clearly enjoyed every moment of it. He struck me again and again, each lash landing with precise, measured force, sending waves of pain radiating through me. I could hear the others laughing, their enjoyment of the scene obvious, but Annie’s voice on the phone was what kept me grounded. She cooed softly, encouraging me to stay strong, to endure the pain for her.

When Jeff handed the whip to Katy, she grinned like a child handed a new toy. She’d always been on the receiving end of Jeff’s dominance, but tonight, she had the power. Her strikes weren’t as practiced as Jeff’s, but they were enthusiastic. Each lash came with a sharp sting, and she laughed as I winced, clearly relishing this rare opportunity to be the one dishing out the punishment.

Next, it was Riley and Maddie’s turn. They were newer to all of this, so Jeff guided them, showing them how to handle the whip. Riley went first, her strikes a little hesitant at first, but with Jeff’s encouragement, she found her rhythm. Maddie followed, quickly getting into the swing of things, her strikes harder and more playful. They took turns, their laughter filling the room as they whipped me with increasing confidence, their enjoyment of my suffering palpable. My back was on fire by this point, the pain relentless, but the sound of Annie’s voice kept me focused, reminding me why I was enduring this.

My body trembled, my muscles aching from the strain of holding on. The pain was overwhelming, but somehow, I managed to hold it together until the sharpest strike yet made me cry out. I gasped for breath, my voice trembling as I muttered the safeword Annie had given me, the one that asked for a mercy pause but didn’t end the scene. “Mercy, please… mercy,” I panted.

Jeff paused, giving a nod to the others as they stepped back, allowing me a moment to breathe. My heart pounded in my chest, my back throbbing with pain, but I felt a surge of pride. I hadn’t used the safeword that would end it all. I had made it through without giving up entirely. Annie’s voice came through the phone again, soothing me. “You’re doing so well, baby. I’m so proud of you.”

But then came the shame. Despite the pain, despite the humiliation, I was aroused. My erection pressed uncomfortably against the wood of the cross, impossible to hide from everyone’s view. Jeff noticed first, a smirk spreading across his face as he turned to the phone. “Annie,” he said with a teasing tone, “looks like your boy is a bit too excited. You want me to have Katy take care of that?”

My face flushed with embarrassment. “Please, I’m fine,” I protested weakly, trying to hide my arousal, but there was no hiding it.

Annie chuckled softly. “No, Jeff’s right. He’s been so good. I think he deserves something. Katy, would you mind?”

Katy stepped forward, her eyes gleaming with mischief as she stood behind me, reached around and wrapped her hand on my throbbing cock. I wanted to protest, to beg for them to stop, but my body betrayed me. I was rock hard, and the humiliation of being jerked off while still bound to the cross, while everyone watched, only added to my arousal. Katy’s hand worked skillfully, her grip firm as she stroked me, her laughter mixing with the others’ as she teased me, drawing out my pleasure.

My body tensed as the sensation built, my mind reeling from the conflicting emotions—shame, pleasure, pain, and arousal all swirling together. Annie’s voice came through the phone, soft and commanding. “Let go, baby. You’ve earned this.”

And with a final stroke, I came, my body shuddering as the orgasm ripped through me. Katy let out a laugh as she wiped her hand on my thigh, stepping back with a satisfied grin. I stood there, panting, my body trembling from the intensity of it all, still bound, still on display for everyone to see.

Annie’s voice was filled with pride and affection. “There’s my good boy. You’ve done so well tonight. Jeff, be a dear and let him down now, his punishment is over.”

Divine Bitches on

About The Author


As the Website Manager and Advertiser Relations Manager for FemdomU Magazine, Zeek is at the forefront of the online presence of one of the leading publications in the Femdom community. His expertise in website design and management, honed through his ownership of RareMoon, has positioned him as a trusted steward of the magazine’s digital realm. Additionally, Zeek’s role as the lead website designer for FemdomU Magazine ensures that every digital interaction reflects the essence of the publication’s ethos. View Full Profile


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