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The Sub Who Took It All!

The Sub Who Took It All!

Once a month, oh what a sight,
The subs all gather, hearts contrite.
Madam stands with her wicked smirk,
And duckie gulps—it’s time for work.

Punishment Points! Let’s count them all!”
She shouts aloud in the grand old hall.
Each sub shuffles, each sub squirms,
Recalling all their naughty terms.

“Late replies? That’s twenty-three!”
“Forgot to kneel? Add fifty-three!”
“Spilled my tea? That’s double that!”
duckie faints and lands KER-SPLAT.

But rules are rules, the math is clear,
ALL the points go on his rear!
For duckie, see, is the lucky one,
Who takes each lash until it’s done!

The whip comes out, the count begins,
SMACK! THWACK! CRACK!—he takes his sins!
Not his mistakes, oh no, not quite,
But everyone’s—both left and right!

The crowd just cheers—what a delight!
As duckie twitches through the night.
Madam grins, “You’re almost done —
not far to go, just another eighty one!”

When it’s done, they clap, they cheer,
As duckie groans, “Same time next year?”
Madam laughs, her eyes aglow,
“Oh no, my dear… we go MONTHLY, you know!”

Divine Bitches on

About The Author


Levi’s path into the depths of submission began as a whispered secret within his soul, a truth he embraced long before he could articulate its significance. From his earliest inklings, he knew his path would be one of service and devotion. He recalls his first experience with a dominant female was in Kindergarten, being bullied by a girl in the first grade – and liking it! His first sexual experience with a dominant female happened in high school, and throughout his college years, Levi delved deep into the recesses of his desires, seeking understanding and fulfillment in the embrace of dominance and submission. View Full Profile

1 Comment

  1. Jessica

    Levi is very talented. As the health and safety observer at duckie’s ceremony last night, I’d like to mention that the image used is NOT duckie. While he did endure some cuts, they were treated.


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    Update: Mollie came by to use my “rack” to discipline her husband, who apparently caused Sunday to get off to…

  2. Jessica

    Levi is very talented. As the health and safety observer at duckie's ceremony last night, I'd like to mention that…

  3. Jessica

    Rest assured duckie, you have a very normal looking body. Your penis is certainly on the larger end of the…

  4. Jessica
  5. levi

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