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Ben just came on the stream, giving an update. Everything is fine, but they’re still running behind. He’s giving me a quick tour of the room—looks like a grand dining hall with a raised platform at one end, set up for the main event. Rows of chairs face the stage, maybe a dozen or so. I can only see the backs of heads from this angle.

Now he’s adjusting my view, fixing the camera onto a tripod. I have a perfect front-row spot for everything about to happen. He says it’s starting any moment now.

The wait is killing me.

If I had a dollar for every time someone underestimated duckie, I’d be rich. If Duckie had a dollar for every inch—well, he’d be richer.


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  1. Mistress Meghan
  2. Mistress Meghan

    Update: Mollie came by to use my “rack” to discipline her husband, who apparently caused Sunday to get off to…

  3. Jessica

    Levi is very talented. As the health and safety observer at duckie's ceremony last night, I'd like to mention that…

  4. Jessica

    Rest assured duckie, you have a very normal looking body. Your penis is certainly on the larger end of the…

  5. Jessica

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