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Are you a couple living a female-led-relationship (FLR)?

I'm looking to interview couples living relationships where the female is in charge.
Posted By:Zeek

What I’m Looking For

I’m looking for couples who live a Female-Led-Relationship. This could be any level of such, wether you practice female domination in the bedroom or throughout other aspects of your life like finances, household chores, etc.

What I’ll Ask You

We’d love to interview you for our series: Real FLR Couples

We’re dedicated to presenting the vast variety of relationships that fall into the FLR category – there is no right or wrong way, and we’d love to talk to you about your relationship!

Your Privacy

This project can offer complete anonymity or full exposure – or anything in between. You Decide.

How to Contact Me

You can use the contact form below, or email me ([email protected]) for more information on how you can help me!

Contact FORM

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