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Are you a Tattoo Artist?

I'm looking for a kink-friendly tattoo artist.
Posted By:Mizz Geena

What I’m Looking For

#1 Kink Friendly Tattoo Artists: I’m looking for a kink-friendly tattoo artist. First, to help us with a story involving creating a Femdom Tattoo Experience, we’d love to talk with any tattoo artist, anywhere, who is willing to discuss some kinky tattooing!

#2 Specific Tattoo Client Opportunity: We’re also looking for someone a little more specific to help one of our readers who wrote a letter asking for help setting up a very special experience for her husband. For this, we need a female tattoo artist somewhere on the East Coast.

What I’ll Ask You

We’re working on an article, part of our “Femdom Body Modification” information, and would love to ask you some questions. Plus, any kinky stories maybe you have?

And, if you fit #2 above, we’ll connect the reader with you to arrange their tattoo session! Here’s what she’s looking for:

I am married and in an FLR, and want to get a tattoo for my husband. I already know he would give his consent, but I would much rather bring him someplace where they would accept only my consent. Ideally, I want to arrange it ahead of time (female tattoo artist a must) bring him unaware of my plan, announce at the destination what was going to happen and that he had no say in the matter. Preferably I want him bound while it’s done, but I understand that the first part is likely enough of a challenge without making the bondage a requirement. Read the full post, including my response, here.

Your Privacy OR Free Advertising

This project can offer complete anonymity or full exposure – or anything in between. You Decide.

OR: Free Advertising Opportunity! We’re promoting kink-friendly businesses, and would love to offer your business some exposure to our readers. And, for anyone who helps our reader (#2 above) with her special project, we’d love to offer you some free, premium advertising.

How to Contact Me

You can use the contact form below, or email us at ([email protected]) for more information on how you can help me!

Contact FORM

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