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Eunice Dommes the Lawnboy on her Porch

Javier took it like a champ, his body tense but submissive. I could see the strain in his expression, the effort it took to hold back his screams.

Eunice, FemdomU Reader
Eunice Dommes the Lawnboy on her Porch

Dear FemdomU,

I never imagined I’d find myself writing to a magazine like yours, but after reading the incredible stories shared by others, I felt inspired to recount my own unique experience. My name is Eunice, and I’m a retired woman who recently discovered the unexpected pleasures of dominating a younger man.

It all started with Javier, a charming young man who mowed my lawn every summer to help put himself through school. Javier was always so diligent and hardworking, but what truly set him apart was his relentless flirting. He had a way of making me feel desired, something I hadn’t felt in years.

Javier was in his early twenties, with a lean, muscular body that he didn’t hesitate to show off. Often, he’d remove his shirt while working in the yard, glistening with sweat under the sun. He’d make playful comments about how he’d love to please me, how he’d submit to me as a sex slave. We laughed it off, but I could see the hunger in his eyes, the desperate need for the forceful domination of an older woman.

One particularly hot afternoon, after he’d finished mowing the lawn, Javier stood on my porch, shirtless and sipping the lemonade I’d given him. His flirtatious nature was in full swing, and he made another remark about how he’d do anything to please me. Something in me snapped. I decided to call his bluff.

“Strip for me, Javier,” I commanded, my voice steady and firm.

To my surprise and delight, he obeyed without hesitation, standing there on my porch, completely exposed. His erection was evident, hard and throbbing, a clear sign of his arousal. I couldn’t help but smile at the sight.

“You’re a good boy, but so naughty,” I said, my voice dripping with authority. “Getting hard on my front porch where the neighbors could see. Now, come here.”

I settled into my rocker on the porch and ordered him over my lap. His compliance was immediate, and I felt a rush of power as he laid across my knees, his firm, young ass perfectly positioned. I warned him to stay silent as I administered his punishment.

It had been years since I’d enjoyed spanking a man, and Javier’s ass was so firm, so satisfying to spank. I started slow, each slap echoing in the quiet afternoon air. He flinched at the first few strikes, but he didn’t make a sound, just as I’d instructed. The thrill of control surged through me, and I increased the intensity of the spanks.

Javier took it like a champ, his body tense but submissive. I could see the strain in his expression, the effort it took to hold back his screams. Tears began to run down his face, a testament to his vulnerability, but he remained silent, his obedience only fueling my desire to dominate him further.

His ass turned a deep, satisfying red under my hand, and I couldn’t help but feel a mix of pride and pleasure. It was a powerful reminder of the strength and control I still possessed, a feeling I hadn’t experienced in a long time. When I finally stopped, his body was trembling, but he stayed in position, waiting for my next command.

“Good boy,” I whispered, gently caressing his reddened skin. “You’ve pleased me greatly.”

Javier looked up at me, his eyes filled with a mix of gratitude and longing. It was clear that he’d enjoyed the experience as much as I had, and in that moment, a new dynamic was born between us.

Since that day, Javier and I have shared several more encounters, each one more intense and fulfilling than the last. I’ve rediscovered a part of myself that I thought was long gone, and I owe it all to that bold young man who dared to submit to me.

Thank you for allowing me to share my story. I hope it inspires others to embrace their desires and explore the unexpected pleasures life has to offer.

Sincerely, Eunice

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