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Good points eleven.
Thank you exibishboy, took a while to find ones relevent to me and meaningful. Happy with my selection though.
By the way excuse my manners, welcome to FemdomU!
hey man, all good points. 3 is super important – it is what can make you stand out from other subs.
Thanks Duckie, noted. Pay extra attention to this one!
Agree with duckie – maybe advanced but master #3 and she’ll always want to keep you around!
Welcome again to the team!
Nice! Welcome to the group dude.
Thanks Levi, happy to be here 🙂
Welcome to FemdomU Magazine, eleven. Mizz Geena tells me you’re already showing promise as you get onboarded. I’ll be interested to see how you progress with her training. I also understand I’ll get to use you as one of my porn scouts soon. I look forward to your obedience.
Thank you Mistress Heather, I’m doing what I can to not step out of line. Hopefully I can keep it up and help contribute where I can.
Well isn’t he a good boy? Mizz Geena, I forget how to do it but give him 10 of my good boy pats please.
I felt right away with point one that perhaps you’ve spent a good deal of time reading the Magazine? You are very correct about the responsibility to communicate. It sounds like Mizz Geena has you on the correct path.
Thank you Jessica, thats very generous of you. I have been hopping around a fair few articles and posts I confess – plenty to learn and seems like a wealth of experience here.
Eleven. You’re off to a good start. Looking forward to your contributions. Welcome to the team.
Thank you Mistress Meghan, very happy to be here and hoping I can help where i can.
Welcome! I just heard on our conference call that you go by “eleven,” and I was instantly intrigued. I asked Geena if there was a reason behind the name, and she said it was just your ID number with the Magazine. But did you know the significance of 11 in the world of submission?
In numerology, 11 is a master number—a number of deep spiritual insight, sensitivity, and intuition. It’s considered the number of illumination, the light bringer. But it also carries a sense of imbalance, of tension—two ones standing side by side, seeking unity, seeking direction.
And when 1 and 1 are brought together—when the ego is surrendered and the self merges with a greater purpose—11 reduces to 2.
And two, dear one, is your place. Not as a punishment, but as a purpose. The number 2 represents service, harmony, cooperation, and support. It is the number of the submissive, the devoted, the attuned.
So while 11 might be just a number to some, to me it’s the perfect sign of your path: from uncertainty and ego, toward humble, powerful devotion. You were never meant to be first. You were born to follow, to worship, to serve.
Barbara Wildestarr, wow I had no idea. I confess I was asked what I should be called or referred to as, I hadn’t didn’t have anything currently and nothing came to mind and Mizz Geena kindly assigned me VolSub11, self shortened to ‘Eleven’. I liked it, something about it stuck and just took with me. I guess some names aren’t picked but given and perhaps thats what this is.
I was very much unaware of such a significant meaning behind the number though but it does make me want to keep it even more.
Thank you for sharing with me, I genuinely appreaciate it.
Hmm… 11- I understand you sent a photo to Mizz Geena as part of your transfer ceremony with her. I’d like to know if you’re going to be a good boy and show the rest of the Dommes what you’re working with?
Autumn, such a request would now technically need to go through me – the new owner.
Yes, of course. You should put it forth for a Dominatrix rating! 🙂
Oh, and welcome aboard 11
Autumn, still finding my feet a little hoping I haven’t bitten off more than I can handle and don’t become the infamous deer in head lights.
I think my formal reply would be never say never but as noted by Mizz Geena she is my Domme so would have final say on such requests.
That said, pleasure to meet you and perhaps our will paths cross in the future.