I was present throughout duckie’s punishment, watching closely for any sign that intervention was needed. Though I had the authority to pause or stop the proceedings at any time, I never once saw the need. Madam Nora is a true professional—her skill is undeniable. She can deliver a strike that inflicts maximum pain while minimizing damage, a balance few can master.
When his treatment was completed, I conducted an immediate on the spot examination. I applied some immediate first aid, washed wounds and then got him to his room for his aftercare routine. Tucked him in his bed, turned on his TV (his choice was MythBusters) and dimmed his lights. We skipped his snack because it was so late, but I sat on the edge of the bed and brushed his hair while he watched TV. He was out cold before they busted the myth.
This morning, I gave duckie a full medical examination to assess the aftermath of last night’s ordeal.
Physically, he took some serious hits, but nothing he won’t recover from with proper care. His body is covered in welts—most didn’t break the skin, though there are about six cuts, mostly on his buttocks and upper back, that required some attention. His skin is well-marked but shouldn’t scar permanently. Bruising is another issue. It’s already developed and will deepen significantly over the next day or two, focused mainly on his buttocks, though there is some on his thighs, upper back and a few other locations as well.
He also sustained minor injuries to his right foot, with bruising on his toes. He explained that he stubbed it walking barefoot onto the stage. No fractures, but it will be swollen for a few days.
A more thorough inspection of his genitals showed redness along the shaft of his penis, likely from flogging. Once erect, the full extent of the irritation became clear, with additional damage along the backside of the shaft. Although he was reluctant to complain, his discomfort was obvious upon touching the redened skin. I applied an ointment and prescribed continued application twice daily. I’ve advised that he abstain from any sexual activity involving his penis until the irritation subsides—likely within three to seven days.
An anal examination confirmed no internal damage. While his buttocks suffered some considerable marking and a few cuts, internally, everything appears intact.
Despite all this, duckie remains in good spirits. He’s not complaining of pain and has already resumed normal activities. I’ve recommended limited physical exertion and plenty of hydration. One of the other service subs has been trained on how to change his bandages, apply ointments, and monitor his healing.
I’m flying out today but have scheduled daily video consultations with duckie to oversee his recovery. If anything changes, I’ll make adjustments as needed. But for now, he’s healing just as expected.
Madam Nora’s precision ensured that while this was a brutal punishment, it was a controlled one. I’ve seen duckie endure punishments from less skilled hands—where the damage went beyond what was intended, resulting in far more serious injuries. That was not the case here.
He took everything as expected, and now it’s simply a matter of time and care until he’s back to full form.
Hope duckie heals quickly.