Help! My Son is Living Like a Slave to His Girlfriend in an FLR. How Do I Save Him?
Dear Mizz Geena I found this site trying to find information to understand my son’s new “relationship.” He’s always been a bit shy, had a hard time with girls. (Honestly, I blame his no-good father who was a weakling coward. The best decision I made was throwing him out for good!)
Anyhow, about three months ago my son met Niki, and he’s seemed really happy. But, I started seeing less and less of him. I decided to stop by and check on him when he didn’t return my calls. I’m his mom, I still have a key to his apartment, and I let myself in. I was shocked – he was completely naked – except for a dog collar! And he was doing housechores. All of his furniture and decor was changed, everything was her stuff.
I told him to get dressed and I’d take him away, get him help. He laughed and had me sit down. He told me that he was happy with his new arrangement, and that he’s in a “FLR,” which he explained meant he’d turned over control of his life to her. He claimed that he likes living that way! He works from home on the computer doing software programming, so his naked lifestyle doesn’t affect his job at least. But he told me he even signs his paycheck over to her!
This woman has brainwashed him into thinking this is what he wants, but what I see though is a boy who is being taken advantage of and turned into modern day slavery! Please help me make him understand that she’s taking advantage of him by making him her slave and taking all his money! Help me make him understand that this isn’t just bedroom fun, this woman is ruining his life! Honestly, I don’t care what he likes to do in the bedroom with women, but this is not normal and it is not okay. .
Concerned Mother
Dear Concerned Mother,
I can definitely sense your concern for your son, and I get it—you want what’s best for him. But before we throw on the superhero cape and swoop in to “rescue” him from Niki, let’s take a deep breath and really unpack what’s going on here.
First off, I know the sight of your grown son, collared and doing chores in the buff, probably wasn’t how you imagined catching up with him. And yes, signing over his paycheck and handing over control of his life sounds, well, extreme to someone who’s never dipped a toe into the pool of a Female-Led Relationship (FLR). But, before you go charging in to save him, let’s take a closer look at why he might be choosing this lifestyle. And yes, I’m using the word “choosing” very deliberately here.
Now, I’m sensing a lot of love and protection coming from you (along with a dash of unresolved frustration toward his father, but we won’t get into that). You’re seeing a shy, sweet boy who’s had a hard time with women, and now you’re watching him hand over the reins of his life to someone else. But here’s the thing: your son is a grown man, and while the sight of him dusting the furniture in the buff may have been a shock, it doesn’t mean he’s a victim of some evil plot.
Here’s a little inside scoop: FLRs (Female-Led Relationships) are built on consent and mutual agreement. It’s not like Niki crept into his apartment one night and hypnotized him into scrubbing the floors in a collar. He’s willingly chosen to live this way because, believe it or not, a lot of people (sometimes even shy men who’ve struggled with relationships) actually thrive under this type of arrangement. In an FLR, the man voluntarily gives up control because he finds comfort, fulfillment, and satisfaction in doing so. It’s not about being brainwashed or enslaved—it’s about feeling valued and cared for, even if the rules are a bit unconventional by traditional standards.
Now, as for the financial situation—yes, signing over his paycheck might make you want to put your hands on your hips and give Niki a stern talking-to, but again, this is something your son has likely agreed to as part of their dynamic. Some people in FLRs find this setup to be incredibly freeing. It simplifies their lives and strengthens their relationship. He’s not being “robbed”; he’s choosing to live in a way that makes him happy. And judging by what you’ve said, it sounds like he is happy.
I’m not saying you need to go out and get your son a matching dog collar for Christmas (please don’t), but I do think you might benefit from having a heart-to-heart with him. Not a rescue mission, but a real conversation where you listen to what he wants, what makes him happy, and why he’s chosen this lifestyle. You might be surprised by how clear-headed and thoughtful he is about it all.
Trust me, FLRs are not just about kinky bedroom fun (though, yes, that’s a part of it). They’re about mutual trust, respect, and a lot of communication. It might seem upside down to you, but to him, it’s a structure where he feels comfortable and secure. And as long as he’s happy, healthy, and making these choices of his own free will, maybe it’s not such a bad thing.
At the end of the day, he’s your son, and you want the best for him. But maybe the best thing you can do for him is to trust that he knows what’s best for himself. Have that talk, give him space to explain. I suspect that what you hear from him resembles much of what I’ve said here. Try going in with an open mind, and maybe—even if just a little—you’ll start to see the bigger picture.
With a wink and a dash of understanding,
Mizz Geena
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