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Sleepfucking with Consent: Answering a Reader’s BDSM Question

Sleepfucking with Consent: Answering a Reader’s BDSM Question
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About The Author

Mizz Geena

Mizz Geena is a seasoned professional Dominatrix with nearly two decades of experience in the field. Her career spans in-person sessions, phone interactions, and now, virtual domination sessions, reflecting her adaptability and dedication to her craft. Geena specializes in a unique blend of gentle dominance paired with a strict hand, a style she describes as “Gentle Therapeutic Femdom with a Sting!” This approach encourages, entices, and arouses her submissive partners, ensuring a fulfilling and empowering experience for all involved. View Full Profile


  1. Nora

    Thank you, Mizz Geena, for your thoroughly thoughtful response to this complex issue. I hope the reader considers your advice seriously and promptly addresses her lapses in judgment. The dynamic they share has the potential to be quite advantageous if properly structured. If he is to grant her full control, it would be prudent for her to obtain his consent in writing, detailing the specific terms.

  2. Avatar

    he’s fair game. he gave you his key, he wants you to dominate him, I don’t think she did anything wrong.

  3. pussy slave

    Wow! This is quite the conundrum, but I think Mizz Geena’s answer was pretty thorough, and accurate.

    First and foremost, in the strictest sense, technically, it is sexual assault. (Imagine the story in the reverse with the male doing the same to a sleep-drugged unconscious female.) Personally, I think you need to come clean with him ASAP, and hopefully he ends up understanding and forgiving, and possibly leading to the beginnings of something much more interesting.

    He may end up being fine with it and give you “blanket immunity (no pun intended)” for future transgressions. If he’s as into being your sub as you say he is, that is the likely outcome. He may decide the only thing he’s disappointed in is himself for not being able to wake up while being “enjoyed.”

    I don’t mind confessing that, on the odd occasion, I have woken up to the pleasure of discovering my “manly parts” inside the mouth of the lovely female that I’d gone to bed with, and my Lord, what an amazing feeling that is. I think I’d be disappointed if I found out afterwards that I was drained and finished without the wonder of being able to have enjoyed the entire thing. On the other hand, it is still a sexy thought to be taken advantage of that from a completely fantastical point of view.

    Hopefully you can come clean with him and move past all this and with any luck, it throws open the doors for a new and very exciting kinky D/s future between the two of you.

    • Mizz Geena

      Well stated PS, thank you for chiming in!

  4. Avatar

    Seems like the BDSM Femdom community has a growing issue. Regarding sexual abuse and sexual assault. Consent isn’t just a pretty word. If you have your partners consent, or anyone’s consent then and only after. Should you proceed. I’ve read a whole bunch of messages in this community, glamorising Rape,Sexual assault and sexual abuse against non consenting men. Just for the small few who think arousal is consent. If your pussy is wet its ok for men to rape you. That’s what your saying.

    • Mizz Geena

      Mizz Geena’s Response: Addressing Consent and Responsibility

      Thank you for your thoughtful reply, Tim. I completely agree—this situation underscores the importance of consent, which is and always will be a non-negotiable cornerstone of the BDSM community. In this case, she absolutely needs to acknowledge her misstep and work to make it right.

      I wouldn’t necessarily call this a “growing issue” within the BDSM community. Unfortunately, misuse of power has existed since the beginning of time. What I do think is evolving, however, is the dialogue around consent and the collective awareness of its significance. You’re absolutely correct that this applies regardless of which gender is in the position of power.

      It’s also on us as members of this community to educate and guide those who are inexperienced, like the 18-year-old who wrote to us. Providing them with the tools and knowledge to navigate these dynamics safely and respectfully is crucial.

      I should have included a couple of relevant articles in my initial reply, which offer valuable insights on these topics:

      Safe, Sane, Consensual (SSC) vs. Risk Aware Consensual Kink (RACK): Understanding the Paradigms in the Femdom Community

      Dominance Done Right: The Essence of Consensual Femdom

  5. exibishboy

    I agree with Mizz Geena that this woman should tell her boy friend about what she is doing. I believe there should be trust between a Domne and her slave.

    Personally if this had been done to me I woyld be proud I could pleasure my Domme in that manner. However, I would want to know it was occurring if for nothing else I could take pride in knowing I had pleasured my Domme

    • Mizz Geena

      Thank you e for your input. It sounds like we have a growing consensus here.

    • Levi

      Yeah – that! Of course she can do it, but let a guy know how well he did?!?


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